21:00, seg fev 17

Acesso Aberto/TP

vol. 45, No. 9, 2022

Artigo de Capa
Quim. Nova 2022, 45(9), 1114-1132

Norbornadieno: Síntese e Aplicações

Anni C. S. Gomes; Antonio J. Demuner*; Bryan N. S. Pinto; Elson S. Alvarenga

Norbornadiene (NBD) is versatile molecule. From 1950 to the present day, to solar energy to agrochemicals, NBD has proven to be a molecule with many applications in chemistry.


Publicado online: maio 18, 2022

Total access: 1034

Artigo de Contra Capa
Quim. Nova 2022, 45(9), 1067-1074

Determination of Total and Bioaccessible Elements in Temporary Adhesive Tattoos Used by Children and Adults

André L. SquissatoI; Augusto T. S. del ClaroI; Riad D. LourençoII; Alexandre M. FiorotoIII; Angerson N. NascimentoII,*; Rodrigo A. A. MuñozI,*

We show that commercially-available temporary adhesive tattoos, including those packaged with bubble gums, present bioaccessible elements.


Publicado online: junho 30, 2022

Total access: 692

Artigo Quim. Nova 2022, 45(9), 1039-1046


Extração de Corantes Têxteis Utilizando Sistemas Aquosos Bifásicos Compostos por 2-Propanol e Sais de Sulfato

Juliana Gomes PimentelI; Olga Reinert Ramos GandolfiII; Vanessa Santos SampaioI; Lizzy Ayra Alcântara VeríssimoIII; Luciano Brito RodriguesIV; Cristiane Martins VelosoV; Rafael da Costa Ilhéu FontanIV; Renata Cristina Ferreira BonomoIV,*

Short chain alcohols (B) are infinitely soluble in water (C). Adding inorganic salt (A) increases the polarity of this aqueous phase, separates the organic constituent of this phase, making it an excellent component in the extraction of organic substances, such as textile dye.


Publicado online: junho 8, 2022
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Total access: 898

Quim. Nova 2022, 45(9), 1047-1052


Avaliação de Metais Potencialmente Tóxicos em Chorume Proveniente de Área de Deposição de Resíduos Sólidos em Belém - Pará

Lianne Maria M. DiasI,*; Maria Vitória R. da SilvaI; Kelson do Carmo F. FaialII; Neuton T. Vasconcelos JuniorII; Raimunda F. S. MaiaI; José Antonio S. SouzaI; Emanuel Negrão MacedoI

Determination of potentially toxic metals in slurry sampling in Solid Waste Disposal area by Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry technique.


Publicado online: junho 8, 2022
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Total access: 850

Quim. Nova 2022, 45(9), 1053-1059


Salicilatos como Inibidores do Processo Oxidativo Mediado por Cobre e Ferro no Biodiesel B100

Eduardo Vivian MasettoI; Ana Claudia LazarotoI; Giovanna OleinikI; Fernanda Oliveira LimaI; André Lazarin GallinaII; Letiére C. SoaresI,*

Biodiesel when exposed to heat, metals, oxygen and other factors triggers the biofuel's oxidation reaction. In this work, alkyl salicylates were used to inhibit the biodiesel oxidative process by exposure to heat, copper and iron.


Publicado online: junho 20, 2022
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Total access: 1095

Quim. Nova 2022, 45(9), 1060-1066


Synthesis of Toluene Diisocyanate Urethane Prepolymer Using Castor Oil and Evaluation of Mechanical Properties

Mayara Q. Savioli*; José R. R. Bortoleto

The search for renewable products brings concern to the polymer's segment due difficulties to replace the synthetic raw materials. This research shows a possible solution to replacement of synthetic polyol by a natural polyol, castor oil, for the manufacturing of cured polyurethanes.


Publicado online: julho 1, 2022
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Total access: 660

Quim. Nova 2022, 45(9), 1075-1082


Fatores de Emissão e de Enriquecimento da Crosta para Elementos Traço (Mp2,5) Emitidos pela Frota Veicular na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo, Brasil

Juan R. S. BenattiI,*; Pedro J. Pérez-MartínezI; Regina M. MirandaII

Automotive vehicles are one of the main sources of PM2.5. This PM2.5 contains several trace elements, which can result from either exhaust or non-exhaust emissions. Determining the emission factors of these elements helps in the decision making aimed to improve air quality.


Publicado online: julho 21, 2022
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Total access: 659

Quim. Nova 2022, 45(9), 1083-1091


Taninos e Flavonoides das Flores de Eugenia uniflora (Myrtaceae)

Patricia Santana Oliveira de Souza; Micheline Thais dos Santos; Rejane Gonçalves Monteiro; Maria Tamires Alves Espindola; Helter José Silva de Souza; Amanda Lins Bispo Monteiro; Celso de Amorim Camara; Tania Maria Sarmento Silva*

Eugenia uniflora (pitanga) flowers are rich in flavonoids and tannins.


Publicado online: julho 1, 2022
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Total access: 807

Quim. Nova 2022, 45(9), 1092-1097


Diterpenos Ent-Abietanos de Euphorbia phosphorea (Euphorbiaceae)

Roseana A. R. MeirelesI; Lucas S. AbreuII; Joanda Paolla R. e SilvaI; Andreza B. S. CavalcantiI; Renata Priscila B. de MenezesI; Gabriela Cristina S. RodriguesI; Valnês S. Rodrigues JuniorIII, IV; José Iranildo M. de MeloV; Massuo Jorge KatoVI; Vicente Carlos de O. CostaI; Marcus Tullius ScottiI; Josean F. TavaresI,*

The phytochemical study of the roots of Euphorbia phosphorea Mart. (Euphorbiaceae) resulted in the isolation of ten ent-abietane diterpenes submitted to investigation of their antimycobacterial activity.


Publicado online: agosto 19, 2022
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Total access: 684

Revisão Quim. Nova 2022, 45(9), 1098-1113


Biomarcadores Moleculares de Doenças Humanas: Conceitos Fundamentais, Modelos de Estudo e Aplicações Clínicas

Hans R. Zamora-ObandoI; Adriana T. GodoyI; Alan G. AmaralI; Alessandra de S. MesquitaI; Bruna Eduarda S. SimõesI; Heloise O. ReisI; Isabela RochaI; Matheus DallaquaI; Mariana BaptistãoI; Milena Cristina V. FernandesI; Monica F. LimaI; Ana Valéria C. SimionatoI, II,*

Currently, clinical research uses biological models and advances in chemical analysis platforms to identify compounds (biomarkers) that better understand the disease and generate diagnostic and therapeutic advances to improve people's quality of life.


Publicado online: maio 26, 2022
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Total access: 2038

Quim. Nova 2022, 45(9), 1133-1145


Avanços na Produção e Formulação de Inoculantes Microbianos Visando uma Agricultura mais Sustentável

Camila FlorencioI; Ricardo Bortoletto-SantosI, II; Camila P. FavaroI, III; Mariana G. BrondiI, III; Camila C. V. VellosoI, III; Rodrigo KlaicI; Caue RibeiroI; Cristiane S. FarinasI, III,*; Luiz H. C. MattosoI

Biofertilizers/microbial inoculants are potential alternatives for sustainable agriculture and the development of new formulations is a crucial step for the success of these bioproducts.


Publicado online: junho 1, 2022
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Total access: 1148

Nota Técnica Quim. Nova 2022, 45(9), 1146-1152


Assessment of α-Amylase Inhibition Activity by an Optimized and Validated In Vitro Microscale Method

Graciela Granados Guzmán; Blanca Alicia Alanís Garza; Rocío Castro Ríos; Noemí Waksman Minsky; Ricardo Salazar Aranda*

α-Amylase catalyzes the cleavage of the α-D-(1-4) glycosidic bond in starch to produce reducing sugars. Reducing sugars reduce the aldehyde group of 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid (DNS) to form 3-amino-5-nitrosalicylic acid (ANSA).


Publicado online: junho 30, 2022
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Total access: 786

Quim. Nova 2022, 45(9), 1153-1159


Desenvolvimento de Acessório Portátil de Controle de Temperatura para Medidas Espectroscópicas

Daniel Aparecido Pires; Henrique José da Silva; Lucas Alonso Rocha; Eduardo José Nassar*

Temperature effect on structure and properties of the chemical substance. Development of the accessory using Peltier principle, this system can be used to identify the degradation in function of the temperature to low cost.


Publicado online: julho 21, 2022
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Total access: 472

Educação Quim. Nova 2022, 45(9), 1160-1166


Estudo Teórico e Experimental de Estrutura e Reatividade Relacionado ao Metabolismo e Toxicidade do Paracetamol

Rosivaldo S. BorgesI,*; Wanda S. CostaI; Ellen P. C. GurrãoI; Luiz H. C. HolandaI; Alanna C. L. F. SousaI; Joyce K. L. ValeI; Cláudio N. AlvesII; Albérico B. F. da SilvaIII

Paracetamol is an analgesic and antipyretic related to liver toxicity. The metabolism and chemical intermediates are involved in its side effect. These mechanisms were evaluated using theoretical and experimental approaches. All results can be applied on pharmaceutical chemistry teaching.


Publicado online: julho 21, 2022
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Total access: 866

Quim. Nova 2022, 45(9), 1167-1176


Experimento Didático de Quimiometria Empregando Imagens Digitais Obtidas por Celular para Determinar Adulteração de Azeite de Oliva com Óleo de Soja: Um Tutorial, Parte Vi

Carlos Alberto RiosI; André Marcelo de SouzaII; Ronei Jesus PoppiI, +; Márcia Cristina BreitkreitzI,*

The mixtures of olive oil with soybean oil were prepared and digital images were collected. Based on the images and using univariate and multivariate approaches, analytical curves were constructed and these were used to predict the percentage of olive oil in commercial samples.


Publicado online: setembro 13, 2022
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Total access: 670

Assuntos Gerais Quim. Nova 2022, 45(9), 1177-1181


Uma Nota Sobre a Transposição de Termos Químicos para a Língua Portuguesa

Giuliana C. de Souza; Luciano R. Bastos; André G. H. Barbosa*

In the graph above It is remarked that while the "real referent" and "scientific meaning" are actually independent of any particular language, the "orthographic signs", in written and spoken forms, are always language dependent.


Publicado online: agosto 19, 2022
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Total access: 709

On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
Química Nova
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