Matheus L. SilvaI; Leila GimenesII; Paulete RomoffIII; Marisi G. SoaresIV; Fernanda F. CamiloV; Erica Valadares de C. LevattiVI; Andre G. TemponeVI ; João Henrique G. LagoI,*
Baccharis ligustrina afforded four acyl C6C3 derivatives which were evaluated against amastigote forms of parasite Trypanosoma cruzi and NCTC cells.
Vanessa F. FonsecaI; Sérgio P. J. RodriguesII ; Maurícius S. PazinatoI,*
The University of Coimbra as the only Portuguese university in this period exerted an influence on Brazilian universities in the process of developing of chemical education.
Giovanna Machado; Jorge M. David; Nelson H. Morgon
Total access: 273
Iara Samara de Alcantara SilvaI; Michel R. de B. ChavesII; Ailton da Silva BritoIII; Afonso C. R. NogueiraIII; Sidney Gonçalo de LimaI,*
In this first molecular geochemical study of Tianguá formation, it´s outcropping rocks were analyzed by GC-MS and GC-MS/MS regarding their organic matter content, with thermal evolution and depositional environment origin determined by biomarker parameters.
Jinfeng ZhouI; Chunjie ChuII
A recyclable and sensitive fluorescent nanoprobe, RhoB@ZIF-8 composite, has been designed and synthesized. This probe can be successfully applied in sensing trace amount of MG in aquaculture water and fish tissue samples.
Meng Zhou; Chunyu Sun; Hong Zhao*
A magnetic polymer composite microsphere which can effectively reduce the non-specific adsorption of proteins has been synthesized and has a good application prospect in vitro diagnosis.
Hellen Gonçalves VieiraI; Ana Paula de Souza FigueiredoI; Murilo de Oliveira SouzaI,II,* ;Maria Cristina CanelaI,#
The exploratory analysis of the data generated allowed identifying the most significant variables in each city and correlate these variables with the primary sources of emission of the compounds.
Eduardo C. S. Rocha; Yasmin N. Salmazo; Marcio Hayashi; César A. D. Zaragoza; Emilio C. de Lucca Júnior*
Novel drugs and natural products derivatives can be accessed using the logic of C-H bond functionalization.
Douglas Chaves de Alcântara PintoI; Gabriela Alves de SouzaI; Paulo Pitasse-SantosI; Afonso Santine M. M. VelezI; Debora Decote-RicardoII; Debora Regina Lopes dos SantosII; Leonardo Freire-de-LimaIII; Célio G. Freire-de-LimaIII ; Marco Edilson Freire de LimaI,*
Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana, Linn.) is a tropical fruit native from Asia. The major constituent of its fruits' pericarpis α-mangostin, a natural prenylated xanthone, having potential as a chemotherapeutic agent for the prevention and treatment of several infectious diseases.
Pedro Henrique do Nascimento Pereira; Jean Carlo Batista de Andrade; Pedro Ivo da Silva Maia; Geoffroy Roger Pointer Malpass*
Working under an inert atmosphere can be a challenge in many laboratories. This is due to the absence of an equipment to handle compounds that are sensitive to atmospheric gases. Here an accessible glove box project is presented to help researchers who need to work under such conditions.
Kaique Carvalho da SilvaI,II; Gabriel Rocha Figueira CaldeiraI; Kenya Gomes NogueiraI,II; Maria Cristina CanelaII; Paulo Roberto FilgueirasIII; Murilo de Oliveira SouzaI,II*,#
Caffeine extraction was conducted by a 25-1 fractional factorial design which enabled the screening of five experimental variables. The coffee samples were added in capsules to be extracted by an espresso machine and taken to the UV-Vis spectrophotometer for determination of caffeine.
Total access: 1131
Guilherme L. S. BorgesI; Pedro H. S. BorgesII; Cássia R. CardosoIII; Daniel A. CerqueiraI,*
Left: Photographs of different homemade microscopes. Right: Enhancement of the image using focus stacking technique.
Total access: 960
Sérgio de Paula MachadoI,*; Carlos Eduardo da Silva CortesII,IV; Rafael Barreto AlmadaIII,IV
The incompatibility between the legislation of the Federal Council of Chemistry and the Ministry of Education makes it difficult to train the chemistry professional.
On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
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