21:28, seg fev 17

Acesso Aberto/TP

vol. 46, No. 2, 2023

Artigo de Capa
Quim. Nova 2023, 46(2), 185-198

Sustentabilidade no uso de fósforo: uma revisão bibliográfica com foco na situação atual do estado de são paulo, Brasil

Isabela T. M. SasabuchiI; Kamille S. KriegerI; Renan S. NunesI; Amanda C. FerreiraI; Gabriela T. M. XavierI; Alessandro L. UrzedoI; Wagner A. CarvalhoI; Pedro S. FadiniII,*

Phosphorus is a nutrient with increasing scarcity and is essential for food production. In water resources, as a contaminant, it puts ecosystems at risk. We have the challenge of preventing phosphorus from entering aquatic environments and reusing it in agriculture.


Publicado online: dezembro 5, 2022

Total access: 1143

Artigo Quim. Nova 2023, 46(2), 131-136


Synthesis, crystal structures and magnetic properties of coordination compounds with nitronyl nitroxide radicals and [M(HFAC)2] (M = CUII and MNII)

Yan-Li Gao*; Yufei Wang; Huijin Liu; Xiaoli Song; Yali Wang; Ting Su; Shiqing Bi

We synthesized the zig−zag chain systems [{Cu(hfac)2}2L2]n and [CuMn(hfac)4L2]n and obtained the crystal structures and magnetic properties.


Quim. Nova 2023, 46(2), 137-142


Room-temperature ppb-level aniline vapor sensor functionalized with UIO-66-SO3H

Jun CaiI; Luyu WangI,*; Yunling WuII

Based on Quartz Crystal Microbalance platform, UIO-66-SO3H detected aniline vapor with ppb concentration.


Publicado online: outubro 20, 2022
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Total access: 797

Quim. Nova 2023, 46(2), 143-149


A green and reliable titrimetric method for total organic carbon determination with potassium permanganate

Otavio R. LãI; Caroline C. de AzevedoI; Cristina M. BarraI; Julia B. Netto-FerreiraII; Érica B. de SousaI; José G. Rocha Jr.I,*

Permanganate proved to be a viable oxidant for determining total organic carbon with the generation of less hazardous waste than the usual methods.


Publicado online: novembro 4, 2022
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Total access: 958

Quim. Nova 2023, 46(2), 150-156


Determinação dos parâmetros cinéticos de degradação e estimativa do tempo de falha de contramedidas eletrônicas "flare" do tipo magnésio teflon® viton®

Carlos Henrique da Silva Rodrigues*; Edemar Kirchhof; José Atílio Fritz Fidel Rocco

Application of the Monte Carlo method to determine the time to failure of MTV flares countermeasures intended to protect aircraft in combat.


Publicado online: novembro 14, 2022
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Total access: 543

Quim. Nova 2023, 46(2), 157-167


Mesoporous silica decorated with silver nanoparticles - an investigation of the radiolytic synthesis parameters through factorial experiments

Clara Lana Bispo Fidelis; Marcelo Fernandes Cipreste#; Pedro Lana Gastelois; Waldemar Augusto de Almeida Macedo; Edésia Martins Barros de Sousa*

This work focuses on the radiolytic synthesis of AgNPs capped into a mesoporous silica MCM-41. A suspension prepared with MCM-41 and AgNO3 is irradiated by a gamma radiation source. The AgNPs are formed inside the silica's mesopores structure.


Publicado online: dezembro 9, 2022
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Total access: 673

Quim. Nova 2023, 46(2), 168-170


The extinction of the ignis fatuus

Antonio C. PavãoI,*; Gerson S. PaivaI; Cristiano C. BastosII

Ignis fatuus, a luminous phenomenon witnessed over the centuries by observers around the world, is no longer seen in modern times. The abandonment of fire in favor of night lighting may hold the secret to the mystery of ignis fatuus's extinction.


Publicado online: janeiro 9, 2023
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Total access: 571

Quim. Nova 2023, 46(2), 171-178


Estudo de gasolinas premium e comum comercializadas no brasil através do método eretic-rmn e quimiometria

Vinícius S. PintoI,II,*; Gerlon de A. R. OliveiraI; Christian D. GomidesI; Marcos R. MonteiroIII; Luciano M. LiãoI

Gasoline is chemically characterized as a complex mixture of hydrocarbons used as a fuel. With the proper application of quantitative NMR combined with chemometric treatment, it is possible to discriminate between different types of gasoline as well as to obtain precise information about its composition.


Publicado online: janeiro 9, 2023
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Total access: 544

Revisão Quim. Nova 2023, 46(2), 179-184


Uso da análise bibliométrica como ferramenta para o levantamento de estudos sobre a metabolômica aplicada na biorremediação de áreas impactadas por hidrocarbonetos

Bruna P. da CostaI; Camila P. DantasI; Beatriz B. MirandaI; Danusia F. LimaI; Olívia Maria C. de OliveiraI; Karina S. GarciaI; Gisele A. B. CanutoII,*; Leonardo S. G. TeixeiraII

Overview of the main bibliographic domains on studies related to petroleum metabolites investigated in recent years in bioremediation processes.


Publicado online: outubro 21, 2022
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Total access: 702

Nota Técnica Quim. Nova 2023, 46(2), 199-206


Determinação de fosfatidiletanol em manchas de sangue seco em papel por UHPLC-MS/MS: avaliação do consumo de álcool em dependentes químicos

Mariane TegnerI; Fernanda S. GuterresI; Isabela R. OttI; Lidiane T. da MottaII; Deise T. SchmitzII; Magda PerassoloI; Rafael LindenI; Marina V. AntunesI,*

We present a UHPLC-MS/MS method for the quantification of phosphatidylethanol (PEth) in dried blood spots (DBS). The PEth levels from 25 chemical dependents ranged from 14.5 to 2,380.8 ng mL-1 with significant correlation with the self-report alcohol consumption AUDIT scores (r=0.41).


Publicado online: dezembro 5, 2022
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Total access: 500

Educação Quim. Nova 2023, 46(2), 207-214


Semicarbazonas: sequência didática interdisciplinar em aulas experimentais de química orgânica e química medicinal

Vanessa da Silva OliveiraI; Ingredy Aianne Gomes SáII; Georgtown Almir Oliveira da SilvaII; Victória Laysna dos Anjos SantosI; Cleônia Roberta Melo AraújoI,III,*; Arlan de Assis GonsalvesI,II,III

This work aims to provide an overview of the semicarbazone functional group through experimental classes. A semicarbazone structurally attractive and easily accessible was synthesized and characterized in a contextualized way and using an interdisciplinary approach.


Publicado online: novembro 4, 2022
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Total access: 878

Quim. Nova 2023, 46(2), 215-221


As clássicas hidrazonas como reveladores de impressões digitais: uma proposta de química orgânica experimental

Nathalia P. K. LimaI; Bruno N. RosaII,IV; Tais PolettiII; Bruna C. MoreiraII; Amanda F. LeitzkeI; Kristiane C. MariottiIII,IV; Neftalí L.V. CarreñoIII,IV; Cláudio M. P. PereiraI,II,III,IV,*

Through the synthesis of hydrazones it is possible to conduct a practical class bringing contents to the students such as organic synthesis, spectroscopy, chromatography and forensic chemistry with fingerprint development.


Publicado online: novembro 14, 2022
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Total access: 950

Assuntos Gerais Quim. Nova 2023, 46(2), 222-228


Avaliação dos cientistas: utilizamos as métricas corretas?

Josefredo R. Pliego Jr.*

Reliable and fair metrics for evaluating scientists need to include fractional counting of author publications and received citations.


Publicado online: outubro 7, 2022
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Total access: 695

On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
Química Nova
Publicações da Sociedade Brasileira de Química
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