Marco A. J. ClementeI; Heloisa H. P. SilvaI; Nathan F. SilvaI; Julia W. CamposI; Eduardo G. de SousaI; Hágata C. SilvaI; Ana C. G. MantovaniII; Karina B. AngilelliI; Dionisio BorsatoI,*
The olive brining process and the influence of the film formed on the surface were simulated by the finite element method.
Anelise L. V. CubasI; Ana Regina de A. DutraI; Thiago C. AlvesII; Ritanara T. BianchetI; Adriano A. RamboI; Nito A. DebacherIII,*
The degradation of tetracycline by non-thermal plasma was over 90% in 10 min and at this stage, the antimicrobial sensitivity test performed by disk diffusion showed no antibiotic activity.
Roberta A. P. Beluco; Elias Y. Ionashiro; Núbia N. de Brito*
Wastewater Filter constructed with metallurgical residue, vermiculite and commercial synthetic blanket and the analysis used for the component characterization.
Marta M. D. C. VilaI,*; Rodrigo BoscariolI; Victor M. BalcãoI,II,*
A nanoemulsion of curcumin and choline and geranic acid ionic liquid (CAGE-IL) was prepared. This nanoemulsion was added to locust bean gum to obtain a gel. The samples were kept at 40 ± 2 °C, with 75 ± 5% relative humidity (HR), and were analyzed at 0 (24 h), 30, 60, 90, and 180 days.
Wei ZhangI; Zhiqiang CaiI,*; Wei LiI; Qiuchen HuangI; Ruonan ChenI; Yiwen LiII; Keyun JinII; Yi ZhaoII; Tao SunII
In this work, a new calixarene derivative (C4A-PEG-2PTSC) was introduced as gas chromatographic stationary phase, and its separation ability and retention behaviors for different types of analytes were investigated. Its excellent separation performance proves its feasibility and good application prospect in the field of gas chromatography.
Lúcio L. Freitas Neto; Breno P. Espósito*
Sunscreens may contain zinc oxide (ZnO) that is discharged in coral reef environments. There is a concern that this discharge of ZnO could be a threat to coral health, leading to bleaching or even death of corals and their algal symbionts.
Jinchao ZouI,II; Tao ZhangI,II; Zhiquan HuangI,II; Chunjiang ZhaoI,II,*; Junpeng WangI,II
In this work, the effects of electric pulse treatment on the discharge and electrochemical properties of rolled and extruded AZ61 magnesium alloy as anode of Mg-air battery were studied.
Anna S. C. L. Dantas; Matheus N. de Souza; Patrícia C. de Lima; Maria E. D. Lima; Daniela S. Santana; Ricardo L. N. Maranho; André Colonese; Soraya M. Ochs; Mychelle A. Monteiro*
Medicinal products based on Cannabis are constantly increasing, therefore new methodologies to control the quality of these products are required. As a way to contribute to this field, this work presents a new methodology for this class of products.
Edjames Alves Santos; Wilmo Ernesto Francisco Junior*
Three main purposes for the reading in chemical education were identified from the analysis of papers published in journals of science education from 2010 to 2021.
Rafaela ValeroI; Rafael C. MoriII,*; Luciana MassiIII
The literature of chemist Primo Levi is pervaded by philosophical considerations on experimentation, the relationship between man and matter, and chemistry as a profession.
On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
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