Raquel dos Santos MartinsI; Adriana Pereira DuarteII; Fernando CotinguibaI,*
The image illustrates the targeting capacity of the ligands present on the surface of the nanocarriers and their conformational change caused by the specific chemical environment of the tumor environment, facilitating their introduction into the intracellular environment.
Rhanna Victória Amaral da Silva*; Larissa Magno Monteiro; Carlos Henrique Lamego Guimarães Thomaz Branco; Fernanda Guilhon-Simplicio
Virtual screening is a very important tool in Medicinal Chemistry and aims to optimize drug design and development. Thus, molecular docking is an alternative for the search for new bioactive molecules against the SARS-CoV-2.
Rejane Maria P. da SilvaI; Mariana X. MilagreI; João Victor de S. AraujoI,*; Oscar Mauricio P. RamirezII; Caruline de Souza C. MachadoI; Renato A. AntunesIII; Isolda CostaI
Local electrochemical activity of the zones affected by Friction Stir Welding (FSW) of an Al-Cu-Li alloy.
Inge M. SutjahjaI,*; Yuanita P. D. SudarsoII; Shofi Dhiya 'UlhaqI; Erik Bekti YutomoI
Modified Hückel parameters are proposed for acridine and phenazine. The geometric-based aromatic index is calculated to study the aromaticity of the two non-equivalent rings. The bond energies of the bond lengths are calculated and compared with the experimental heats of formation.
Janaina SchadosinI; Sérgio Costa SaabII,*; André Maurício BrinattiII; Luiz Fernando PiresII
Quantitative and qualitative characterization of the granulometry of a soil and use of dynamic propagation (DLS) aiming to assess the quality of the dimension of the clay fraction.
Ana C. F. de B. Pontes*; Talita P. de A. Pontes; Nayara G. S. Cavalcante; Francimar Lopes de Sousa Júnior; Francisco Ordelei N. da Silva; Daniel de L. Pontes
The present study carried out the synthesis and characterization of a coordination compound obtained from the reaction of formation of the Shiff base (chitosan/ortho-vanillin) with copper, aiming at a possible application in the identification of nitrite.
André Abreu MartinsI,II,*; Edinei KoesterIII; Leandro Rufino RosalinoIV; Ronaldo BernardoV; Felipe Padilha LeitzkeII,VI
The graphical abstract shows the δ18O and δ2H data acquired on a reference water sample at different ambient temperature conditions, using the equilibrium method. At 20 °C, analyses performed at the LGI control sample presented satisfactory repeatability and reproducibility.
João Vitor Raupp de OliveiraI; Jussânia de Almeida GnoattoII; Tanira Alessandra Silveira AguirreI,III,*
Silica nanoparticles are reliable systems with advantageous physicochemical properties to the application as drug delivery systems for the treatment of neurological disorders.
Matheus Julien Ferreira BazzanaI; Juliana GarciaI; Gabriela Françozo VilelaI; Cleber Nogueira BorgesI; Letícia Rodrigues FariaII; Nadja Gomes AlvesII; Adelir Aparecida SaczkI,*
Using a chemometric mixture design and a miniaturized sample preparation technique, LA and SA were extracted from sheep blood serum samples. After an esterification process, the extract was analyzed, and the developed method was validated.
Beatriz De Caroli Vizioli; Cassiana Carolina Montagner*
Urban water cycle with DBP generation in DWTPs (drinking water treatment plants) and WWTPs (wastewater treatment plants), and the trade-off between the microbiological and chemical risks.
On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
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