16:11, ter fev 11

Acesso Aberto/TP

vol. 46, No. 5, 2023

Artigo de Capa
Quim. Nova 2023, 46(5), 435-449

Comparando a eficiência analítica das técnicas FTIR, UV-Vis, CLAE-DAD e ESI(+)MS no estudo de corantes alimentares

Marcos V. V. LyrioI; Danieli G. DebonaI; Nathália dos S. ConceiçãoI; Francisco M. GomesI; Alan R. PereiraI; Henrique A. FrizzeraI; Jessica L. ReisI; Taila T. GreccoI; Bruna C. PiresI; Valdemar Lacerda Jr.I; Eustaquio V. R. CastroI; Marsele M. IsidoroII; Paulo R. FilgueirasI; Wanderson RomãoI,II,*

HPLC-DAD, infrared spectroscopy, UV-VIS, and mass spectrometry were applied in the study of synthetic dyes, aiming to indicate the advantages and applicability of each technique.


Publicado online: março 31, 2023
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Total access: 1199

Artigo Quim. Nova 2023, 46(5), 405-413


Pesticides in processed food - multiresidue pesticides in natural grape juices by high-resolution mass spectrometry

Marilda Chiarello; Luana C. Crocoli; Vinícius B. Molon; Sidnei Moura*

Pesticide residues have been detected in processed grape-based products. LC-HRMS is an important, sensitive and reliable analysis tool. Seven compounds were detected, including carbendazim, banned in August 2022 in Brazil.


Publicado online: fevereiro 15, 2023
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Total access: 924

Quim. Nova 2023, 46(5), 414-424


Ocorrência de pesticidas em solos argilosos e arenosos após aplicação em pastagens e cana-de-açúcar

Ingrid Ruanna dos Santos FeitosaI; Nívea Cristina Guedes MuninI,II; Bianca Veloso GoulartI; Cassiana Carolina MontagnerI,*

The persistence of pesticides in soil after application is dependent of the type of the soil, the physical-chemistry properties of the compounds and the management of crop.


Publicado online: fevereiro 15, 2023
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Total access: 965

Quim. Nova 2023, 46(5), 425-434


Um novo composto de coordenação dinuclear projetado para não apresentar danos oxidativos e efeitos toxicológicos

Jamerson H. F. da SilvaI; André GalembeckI; Mônica F. BelianII,*; Wagner E. SilvaII; Jandyson M. SantosII; Jacinto da Costa Silva NetoIII; Jaciana S. AguiarIV; Teresinha GonçalvesIV

The synthesis, characterization, and biological activity of a novel dinuclear platinum complex. Tumor weight inhibition percentage of dinuclear complex was 66%. The results of the hematological, biochemical, and histopathological tests showed that the dinuclear complex had fewer side effects and less oxidative damages to the tested biological model.


Publicado online: março 21, 2023
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Total access: 812

Quim. Nova 2023, 46(5), 450-459


Machine learning-based virtual screening, molecular docking, drug-likeness, pharmacokinetics and toxicity analyses to identify new natural inhibitors of the glycoprotein spike (s1) of SARS-COV-2

Alexandre de F. CobreI; Beatriz BögerI; Mariana M. FachiI; Carlos A. EhrenfriedI; Dile P. StremelII; Eduardo B. De MeloIII; Fernanda S. ToninIV; Roberto PontaroloI

Flowchart for performing virtual screening assays, molecular docking, pharmacokinetic and toxicity analysis.


Publicado online: março 31, 2023
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Total access: 795

Revisão Quim. Nova 2023, 46(5), 460-469


Phytochemical and pharmacological aspects of the alkaloids of malvaceae sensu lato species: a review

Ana Laura de Cabral SobreiraI; Janderson Barbosa Leite de AlbuquerqueI; Wallace Amorim Machado de QueirozI; Pedro Isaac Vanderlei de SouzaII; Diégina Araújo FernandesIII; Maria de Fátima Vanderlei de SouzaI,IV,*

Analysis of the chemical and biological profile of alkaloids identified from species of the Malvaceae sensu lato family as alternative sources for new drugs.


Publicado online: março 2, 2023
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Total access: 697

Nota Técnica Quim. Nova 2023, 46(5), 470-475


Desenvolvimento de um equipamento de spin coating com sistema de fixação de substrato a vácuo empregando materiais reutilizados

Antonio A. A. Chepluki*; Tiago E. A. Frizon; Igor E. de Carvalho

This article presents the procedures for the construction of a spin coater with a vacuum substrate fastening system, using an Arduino microcontroller, 3D printing and reuse of materials.


Publicado online: fevereiro 15, 2023
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Total access: 877

Quim. Nova 2023, 46(5), 476-481


Impressão 3d de separador magnético: uma abordagem acessível para o preparo de amostras no diagnóstico da COVID-19

Habdias A. Silva-NetoI; Gerson F. Duarte-JuniorI; Gabriela Silvério BazílioII; Juliana Alves Parente-RochaII; Diego B. ColugnatiII; Clayton L. BorgesII; Wendell K. T. ColtroI,III,*

This study describes the fabrication of a low-cost magnetic separator holder combining 3D printing and compact neodymium blocks for allowing magnetic extraction and purification of RNA from samples collected by nasopharyngeal swab from patients infected by SARS-CoV-2.


Publicado online: fevereiro 15, 2023
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Total access: 815

Educação Quim. Nova 2023, 46(5), 482-490


Low-cost and easy access materials for a laboratory class: a proposal of liquid chromatography for food coloring separation as an experience of meaningful learning

Bruna Costa CerqueiraI; Gerônimo Lopes LimaI; Artur José Santos MascarenhasII; Heloysa Martins Carvalho AndradeII; Rodrigo De PaulaI,III,*

A simple experiment using easy access and low-cost material for teaching chemistry. A column chromatography for food dye separation is a trigger for a wide discussion for teaching Chemistry.


Publicado online: março 2, 2023
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Total access: 829

Assuntos Gerais Quim. Nova 2023, 46(5), 491-501


O vidro e sua importância na vida e na química

Wladmir Teodoro da Silva; Carlos A. L. Filgueiras*

Roman blown glass flask of the first century, from the old collections of the National Museum of Rio de Janeiro. It is impressive to compare this flask, about 500 mL in capacity, with modern laboratory flasks.


Publicado online: março 21, 2023
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Total access: 1018

On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
Química Nova
Publicações da Sociedade Brasileira de Química
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