Regiane Lopes dos SantosI,*; Wellington Pereira de QueirósII; Fernando Cruvinel DamascenoIII; Leandro Nogueira BatistaIV
Gilbert N. Lewis (1875-1946) expanded knowledge of acid and base chemistry in the 20th century. In homage to his relevant work, we propose a commented translation of Acids and Bases (Lewis, 1938). In the article, through a simple and elegant combination of theoretical and experimental elements, he raised phenomenological characteristics of acids and bases.
Dennis da Silva FerreiraI; Leticia da Silva RodriguesII; Fabiola Manhas Verbi PereiraII; Edenir Rodrigues Pereira-FilhoI,*
Principal component analysis (PCA): exploratory analysis and data mining.
Stefano DugheriI,*; Giovanni CappelliII; Niccolò FanfaniIII; Jacopo CeccarelliII; Lucia TrevisaniII; Marco SartiIV; Donato SquillaciII; Elisabetta BucalettiII; Riccardo GoriV; Nicola MucciII; Giulio ArcangeliII
SPME on-fiber derivatization and subsequent exposition to the target analyte (i.e. formaldehyde). In this context, a study of the kinetic of the adsorption was investigated to estabilish the best sampling conditions.
Joel Leitão Nascimento*; Tiago Vinicius Alves*
Multiple structures and torsional anharmonicity effects on the thermal rate constants.
Tiago Gomes dos Santos*; Rúben Santana Ramos da Silva; Fabioney Garcia da Costa; Demétrio de Abreu Sousa
Methanol, present in effluents in the biodiesel industry, can become an environmental pollutant. A simple and low-cost approach was proposed to identify and quantify methanol in biodiesel-washing wastewater by exploring ATR-FTIR and UV-Vis spectroscopic methods.
Sofia CapeloI,II,*; Guilhermina SiqueniqueIII; João MorgadoIII
Laboratory waste management at the University of Évora was studied from 2007 to 2021 (15 years), including the years of the COVID-19 pandemic. Solutions were proposed to improve the management of laboratory waste.
Watsaka SiriangkhawutI,*; Kraingkrai PonhongI; Piyanete ChantiratikulI; Parita MayothaII
Stripping voltammetric analysis was proposed for determination of trace cadmium and lead in local rice wine samples using a bismuth-antimony film electrode (Bi-SbFE).
Marcus Vinícius Carvalho ArantesI,*; Wanda Maria Risso GüntherII,*
Documentary review of this work brought together a series of Brazilian regulations applicable to the safe and sustainable management of chemical waste.
Isabela F. S. Santos*; Dalva L. A. de Faria
Hematite finds a large range of applications, most of them due to its electronic transitions in the visible and low band gap. In this work the theoretical models used to assign such transitions and electronic structure are presented and critically reviewed.
Brenda Lee Simas PortoI,II; Isaura Daniele Leite FariaI; Jéssica Cordeiro Queiroz de SouzaI; Olívia Brito de Oliveira MoreiraI; Marco Antônio Sundfeld da GamaIII; Marcone Augusto Leal de OliveiraI,IV,*
5-min-long GC-FID method for cis-9, trans-1 and trans-10, cis-12 CLA isomers analysis featuring SLB-IL111 ionic liquid column and isothermal runs that results in an enhanced analytical frequency for dairy quality control.
On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
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