João Francisco Allochio FilhoI,II; Bruna Carneiro PiresI; Nayara A. SantosI,III; Sara Joaquina Inocencio DionisioI; Nathália dos S. ConceiçãoI; Amanda Eiriz FeuI, Warley de Souza BorgesI; Valdemar Lacerda Jr.I; Wanderson RomãoI,III,IV,*
Application of ambient ionization techniques such as paper spray ionization (PSI); touch spray ionization (TSI); fiber spray ionization (FSI); and thread spray ionization (TSI) in biological matrices of forensic interest - a review.
Ingrid Maliszewski Paczkowski; Leandra Franciscato Campo*
Since 1951 with the discovery of the Brooker's merocyanine, solvatochromic dyes are the base for the construction of various empirical solvent polarity scales. In addition, the solvatochromic shifts can used to estimate the ground state and excited state dipole moments of a wide variety of molecules.
Giovanna MachadoI; Jorge M. DavidII; Nelson H. MorgonIII
Total access: 282
Emily Vitória dos Santos Oliveira; Giovana Kathelly Costa Vasconcelos; Josyane Brasil da Silva; Elen Vanessa Costa da Silva
Physical chemical analysis of honey and stingless bee pollen, reducing sugar, acidity, moisture, protein, lipids, total sugar.
Guillermo Salamanca GrossoI,II*; Mónica Patricia Osorio TangarifeII; Anderson Guarnizo FrancoI
Multivariate and multiple factorial analysis techniques in the study and classification of peruvian honeys, from Bajo Mayo, San Martin Department.
Núbia Rangel CândidoI; Luzia Valentina ModoloII; Vânya Márcia Duarte PasaI; Ângelo de FátimaI*
Pyroligneous acid, a co-product of biomass pyrolysis in charcoal production, is being studied as an in vitro urease inhibitor for future agricultural applications, aiming to reduce nitrogen fertilizer losses.
Danieli R. Dallemole; Taiane M. Ciocheta; Luiza A. Frank; Aline de C. S. Alves; Bárbara P. Zoche; Silvia S. Guterres; Karina Paese; Adriana R. Pohlmann*
In this review, the main biological applications of lipid-core nanocapsules are presented and the methodological aspects for the preparation, surface modification and characterization of these nanoparticle systems are explained.
Aline Sobierai Ponzoni; André Slaviero; Camila Greff Passos*; Carla Sirtori
The present investigation seeks to analyze the productions of Thematic Units carried out by teachers in initial and continued formation under the bias of indicators and parameters of Critical Environmental Education.
Letícia F. MagalhãesI; Rafael B. AlvesII; Letícia R. C. CunhaI; Leonardo A. RochaII; Marco A. SchiavonI,*
In the direction of changing the world energy matrices, it becomes imperative the spreading the knowledge of what solar cells are and how they work. The use of pedagogical games is very effective in helping to teach and understand this topic.
Dawei LuI,*; Xudong ZouII; Chaofan LiIII; Zhifeng WangII; Bojun XuI
We first introduce six reactions critical for polymer backbone synthesis, including transition metal-catalyzed coupling reactions, condensation reactions, pericyclic reactions, multi-component reactions, free radical reactions, and other reactions. Then we present the practice in teaching.
Jorge G. de Candido; Rochele de Q. Loguercio
This image represents the humanist human at the center of a network that at the same time articulates the areas of chemistry, mathematics/statistics and computer science, forming another area at the center of this network, data science, also known as artificial intelligence.
On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
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