Layane L. SabóiaI; Maria L. S. O. LimaII,*
This article presents a reflection about the relationship between autism and Brazilian Chemical Education. We invite the reader, particularly the teacher, to be aware of their pedagogical practices, making them inclusive of all, especially for the autistic student.
Leonardo AntonelliI; Rodrigo De PaulaIII,IV; Silvio CunhaI,II,*
The pKa values of H2O and H3O+ present in organic chemistry textbooks currently used in Brazil are wrong. The correct values must be taught at undergraduate and graduate levels.
Chaza JoumaaI,*; Ibtissam SaadI; Ghassan YounesI
Promising diesel-biodiesel-ethanol blends are great alternatives for conventional diesel, but they can be more corrosive. This paper studies the corrosiveness of these blends towards different metals and the inhibition of corrosion by TBHQ antioxidant.
Francisco M. GomesI; Claudio M. P. de PereiraII,III; Kristiane C. MariottiIII,IV; Thieres M. PereiraI; Nayara A. dos SantosI,III; Hildegardo S. FrançaV; Wanderson RomãoI,III,V,*
Representation of the work stages: collection (hand hygiene, drying, and overlapping of sebaceous glands), analysis of latent fingerprints (mass spectrometry), and development (synthetic derivative of curcumin).
Régis B. MachadoI; Silvio L. P. DiasI,*; Julio C. P. VaghettiI; Geraldo B. MachadoI; Otávio BianchiII,*
The thermal degradation kinetics of residual avocado seed biomass (Persea americana) was investigated by thermogravimetry (TGA) and at different slow pyrolysis temperatures to enable the biochar production with tunable properties.
Júlia d'A. FrancisquiniI; Ramon AltivoII; Cristian C. M. DiazII; Juliana de C. da CostaI; Daniela KharfanIII; Rodrigo StephaniII,*; Ítalo T. PerroneI
Three commercial brands of plant-based beverages (almond, Brazil nut, coconut, oat and soybean) produced by UHT treatments were chemical characterized by 14 different physical chemical analyzes.
Isadora Guilherme BrancoI; Julia W. CamposI; Nathan F. SilvaI; Marco Aurelio J. ClementeI; Ana Carolina G. MantovaniII; Letícia Thaís ChendynskiIII; Dionisio BorsatoI,*
The natural extracts of jabuticaba peels, gabiroba leaves, and hibiscus flowers with antioxidant activity were evaluated in mixture with biodiesel.
Emanuella T. V. BezerraI,*; José M. de O. GodoyI
Lead isotopic composition can be applied as a tool for differentiation among bullets fragments. Association to elemental analysis improves the obtained results.
Camila Y. HenriqueI; Osvaine J. A. AlvesI; Márcio L. A. e SilvaI; Wilson R. CunhaI; Ana H. JanuarioI; Patrícia M. PaulettiI,*
This review described the chemical structure of isolated compounds, the traditional use, and biological potential of species belonging to Fridericia (Bignoniaceae).
Jacqueline Nakau MendonçaI; Valquíria A. Polisel JaborI; Gabriel Santos AriniI; Ricardo Roberto da SilvaI; Rafael Carvalho da SilvaII; Ricardo VessecchiIII; Fabio Santos do NascimentoII; Norberto Peporine LopesI,*
The study aimed to characterize the gas phase reactions that occur in the electrospray source (MS) and in the collision -induced activation cell (MS/MS) of juvenile hormone III, to support quantitative studies in chemical ecology.
Luyu Wang; Chenghai Ruan; Chunyang Yu; Jia Song
On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
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