4:19, ter fev 18

Acesso Aberto/TP

vol. 47, No. 2, 2024

Artigo de Capa
Quim. Nova 2024, 47(2), e-20230103, 1-8

Modelos e eletronegatividade: uma proposta de sequência didática para o ensino de química

Joana Souza Oliveira Galavotti; Luís Felipe Bricks Bim; Marco Aurélio Cebim*

A didactic sequence about electronegativity was elaborated for the area of Chemistry in higher education. This sequence has five moments that approach the main for this property.


Publicado online: setembro 12, 2023
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Total access: 1233

Artigo de Contra Capa
Quim. Nova 2024, 47(2), e-20230097, 1-11

Inibidores do fotossistema II: uma perspectiva aleloquímica

Anthony da SilvaI; Jéssica M. de SouzaI; Geilly Mara S. de PáduaI; Arielly Celestino Rodrigues SantosI; Leonardo G. de VasconcelosI; Evandro Luiz Dall'ÓglioI; Barbara S. BelleteII; Thiago André M. VeigaIII; Lucas C. C. VieiraI; Olívia M. SampaioI,*

The use of chlorophyll a fluorescence assay to evaluate the allelochemical activity of natural products as electron flow blockage of photosystem II is discussed in this review.


Publicado online: setembro 6, 2023

Total access: 848

Artigo Quim. Nova 2024, 47(2), e-20230092, 1-12


Avaliação quantitativa de ácidos amargos, xanthohumol e óleos essenciais presentes em flores de diferentes cultivares de Humulus Lupulus L. produzidas na região nordeste do Brasil

Samuel P. D. MarquesI,II,*; Maria T. S. TrevisanI; Robert W. OwenI; Ana M. A. SilvaI; Francisco M. G. NascimentoI;
Francisca S. S. LimaII; Thales C. LimaI; Edy S. de BritoIII; Hilton C. R. MagalhãesIV; Francisco L. F. da SilvaV,VI

Hop flowers of different cultivars grown in the Northeast region of Brazil underwent QuEChERS extraction (1-4) using acetonitrile (ACN) with bitter acids (α and β) and the prenylflavonoid xanthohumol quantitated by liquid chromatography (HPLC).


Publicado online: agosto 31, 2023
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Total access: 1033

Quim. Nova 2024, 47(2), e-20230094, 1-11


Dual promotion of Cu/ZnO catalysts modified by acetylacetone precursors for CO2 hydrogenation to methanol

Junjie XianI,II,; Yuntian XuI,II,; Gaocheng QuI,II; Wei NaI,II; Hua WangI,II; Wengui GaoI,III,*

Cu/ZnO catalysts with complex valence copper were prepared by acetylacetone precursors, and the Cu+-ZnO active site formed directly without pre-reduction treatment, which has a dual promotion effect on H2 and CO2.


Publicado online: agosto 31, 2023
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Total access: 765

Quim. Nova 2024, 47(2), e-20230096, 1-5


Chemical constituents and antibacterial activity of three types of amazonian Melipona spp. Geopropolis

Darlan C. dos SantosI,II,*; Jorge M. DavidII,*; Oscar C. S. NetoII,; Brenda O. LimaIII; Regiane YatsudaIII; Bruno O. MoreiraIII; Lucas M. MarquesIII; Richardson F. FrazãoIV

Fatty composition, triterpenes, and flavonoid are present in three types of Brazilian geopropolis from the Amazonian region.


Publicado online: setembro 4, 2023
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Total access: 829

Quim. Nova 2024, 47(2), e-20230098, 1-14


Schinopsis brasiliensis bark metabolomic profiling based on NMR: evaluation of metabolic variations of different microenvironment and seasonal periods

Licia dos Reis LuzI,II; Elenilson Godoy Alves FilhoIII; Maria Madalena da Silva SoaresIV; Diogo Denardi PortoV; Helena BeckerI; Guilherme Julião ZocoloII,*

Correlation between metabolomic profiles and environmental factors: evaluating the impact on metabolite production in Schinopsis brasiliensis bark samples.


Publicado online: setembro 12, 2023
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Total access: 671

Quim. Nova 2024, 47(2), e-20230100, 1-6


Thermoresponsive cellulose nanocrystals protecting macrophage cells from oxidative stress

José A. PinheiroI; Nívia do N. MarquesI; Maylla M. C. L. SilvaII; Hugo A. O. RochaII; Rosangela de C. BalabanI,*

(a) Reduction of MTT to formazan (%) and (b) cell proliferation assay by cells exposed to: homopolymer PNIPAM, unmodified CNC and modified CNC-g-PNIPAM.


Publicado online: setembro 12, 2023
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Total access: 449

Quim. Nova 2024, 47(2), e-20230102, 1-10


Modified magnetite nanoparticles with the juice of plantain pseudostem: an option for water decontamination

Camilo Eduardo García HenaoI,; Guillermo Salamanca GrossoII; Hoover Albeiro Valencia SánchezIII; Anderson Guarnizo FrancoII,*

Phytochemicals from plantain pseudostem removing Cd(II) and Pb(II) from water. The phytochemicals can be immobilized on magnetite nanoparticles. These nanoparticles and contaminant metals are easily separated by an external magnet.


Publicado online: setembro 12, 2023
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Total access: 552

Revisão Quim. Nova 2024, 47(2), e-20230101, 1-21


Chemical composition, biological activities and uses of anacardiaceae species: an updated review

André Barreto Cunha*; Jorge Mauricio David*

The present review describes a critical updated compilation of studies regarding the chemical composition, biological activities, technological studies, and biosynthesis of phenolic lipids of Anacardiaceae.


Publicado online: setembro 12, 2023
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Total access: 733

Quim. Nova 2024, 47(2), e-20230107, 1-17


Microalgas: uma estratégia sustentável na transformação e obtenção de compostos orgânicos

Mauricio Moraes VictorI,II; Fernando Leal Barreiros MoutinhoI,III; Valéria Belli RiattoI,II,*

Microalgae are photosynthetic microorganisms with applications in biotechnology beside other uses, indicating their potential for a green and sustainable future.


Publicado online: setembro 21, 2023
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Total access: 793

Nota Técnica Quim. Nova 2024, 47(2), e-20230095, 1-10


Espectroscopia de fluorescência: dos fundamentos à influência dos parâmetros instrumentais para análises de corantes orgânicos e nanopartículas inorgânicas

Rafael S. MourãoI; Brener R. Carvalho ValeI,II; André F. Vale FonsecaI; Thaís A. S. CarvalhoI; Marco A. SchiavonI,*

The full understanding of spectrofluorometer parameters such as the excitation wavelength, excitation and emission slits, step, integration time, detection geometry as well as concentration of the samples help the acquisition of emission spectra free of artifacts.


Publicado online: agosto 31, 2023
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Total access: 896

Quim. Nova 2024, 47(2), e-20230099, 1-10


Boas práticas e equívocos nas medidas de atividade catalítica de materiais em termocatálise

Leandro MartinsI; Laura L. SilvaI; Luiz G. PossatoII,*

This technical note summarizes the most common pitfalls in thermo-catalysis and how they might limit obtaining reliable catalytic experiments and data evaluation.


Publicado online: setembro 12, 2023
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Total access: 824

On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
Química Nova
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