16:40, ter fev 11

Acesso Aberto/TP

vol. 47, No. 5, 2024

Artigo de Capa
Quim. Nova 2024, 47(5), e-20230130, 1-10

Perfil volátil do Coffea arabica e Coffea canephora var. conilon por SHS-GC-MS e quimiometria

Marcos Valério Vieira LyrioI; Pedro Henrique Pereira da CunhaI; Danieli Grancieri DebonaI; Bárbara Zani AgnolettiI; Roberta Quintino FrinhaniI; Emanuele Catarina da Silva OliveiraII; Paulo Roberto FilgueirasI; Lucas Louzada PereiraII; Eustáquio Vinicius Ribeiro de CastroI,*

Chemometric models based on SHS-GC-MS data of Coffea arabica and Coffea canephora var. conilon samples determine the main volatile compounds in the discrimination of these species.


Publicado online: novembro 20, 2023
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Total access: 1205

Artigo de Contra Capa
Quim. Nova 2024, 47(5), e-20230138, 1-9

Aprendizagem da análise por componentes principais por meio da atividade experimental problematizada (AEP) com a utilização de um aplicativo de smartphone

Bruno M. M. SiqueiraI; André L. S. SilvaII; Gabriely S. FolliI; Thalles R. RosaIII; Wanderson RomãoI,IV; Maria F. F. LelisI,*; Paulo R. FilgueirasI; Paulo R. G. MouraI

A didactic workshop with undergraduate students of the Chemistry course to introduce the theme of PCA through the REDGIM® app, having the PEA as strategy of teaching and using samples of banknotes and vegetable oils for analysis.


Publicado online: novembro 27, 2023
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Total access: 1031

Artigo Quim. Nova 2024, 47(5), e-20230131, 1-10


Efficient synthesis of 1-(bromomethyl)-3,5-dimethoxybenzene: X-ray structure, hirshfeld surface analysis, DFTs, and molecular modelling investigations as tyrosinase inhibitor

Aamer SaeedI,*; Syeda Abida EjazII,*; Mubashir AzizII; Pervaiz Ali ChannarIII; Laila SumreenIV; Rabail UjanV; Tanveer A. WaniVI; Seema ZargarVII; Tuncer HökelekVIII; Ulrich FlörkeIX

The newly synthesized crystal of 1-(bromomethyl)-3,5-dimethoxybenzene was evaluated as tyrosinase inhibitor via comprehensive in silico investigations.


Publicado online: novembro 20, 2023
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Total access: 749

Quim. Nova 2024, 47(5), e-20230132, 1-11


Dimensioning of vinylsulfonic supports from cashew apple bagasse biomass in the immobilization of lipases

Paula J. M. LimaI; Jouciane de S. SilvaI; Rafael L. F. MeloII; Francisco S. NetoI; Pierre B. A. FechineIII; Maria V. P. RochaI; Luciana R. B. GonçalvesI; José C. S. dos SantosIV,*

Cashew apple bagasse (CAB) functionalized with divinyl sulfone (DVS) was used to immobilize lipase A from Candida antarctica under optimal conditions, forming the biocatalyst CAB-DVS-CAL-A.


Publicado online: novembro 22, 2023
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Total access: 574

Quim. Nova 2024, 47(5), e-20230134, 1-5


A charge-assisted hydrogen-bonded organic framework for selective separation of p-xylene

Chundiao ShiI; Ziling LiI; Shengchang XiangI; Chulong LiuI,*; Ximing ZhengII,*

A charge-assisted hydrogen-bonded organic framework FJU-201 can only crystallize in solutions containing p-xylene, and cannot crystallize in both o-xylene and m-xylene, which can be used for separating and purifying p-xylene from xylene isomers.


Publicado online: novembro 22, 2023
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Total access: 579

Quim. Nova 2024, 47(5), e-20230136, 1-10


Detecção de beauvericina em frutos de abacaxi infectados por Fusarium guttiforme por HPLC-DAD e MALDI-FT-ICR MS

Carolinne S. FáveroI,II,*; Nayara A. dos SantosIII; Wanderson RomãoI,III,*; Raissa D. MouraII,IV; Christiane F. de Castro PortoI; José Aires VenturaII,V

This work sought to develop methodologies for the detection of beauvericin (mycotoxin potentially harmful to the health of consumers) in injured and healthy parts of inoculated fruits using two relevant analytical techniques, due to the urgent need to limit the amount of ingestion.


Publicado online: novembro 24, 2023
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Total access: 613

Quim. Nova 2024, 47(5), e-20230137, 1-9


Nanopartículas de zeína/PVA incorporadas com eugenol e óleo essencial do cravo-daíndia: otimização da síntese e validação analítica para quantificação do eugenol

Vanessa A. VelozI; Luise R. dos SantosI; Juliano G. AmaralII; Laryana B. GarciaII; Rosilene A. OliveiraI; Rodrigo Luis S. R. SantosI,*

Zein NPs (NPZ) and Zein NPs incorporated with eugenol (NPZ-Eug) and clove essential oil (NPZ-OC) were produced by the nanoprecipitation method in the presence of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) surfactant.


Publicado online: novembro 27, 2023
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Total access: 635

Quim. Nova 2024, 47(5), e-20240001, 1-8


Avaliação dos níveis de níquel no ar e na urina de moradores próximos a uma indústria e depósito de rejeitos siderúrgicos no município de volta redonda, RJ

Renato Marçullo BorgesI; Ruan Victor Ferreira SoaresI; Regina Aderne GomesI; Maria de Fátima Ramos MoreiraI; Ricardo J. CassellaII,*

In this work, we evaluated the influence of the steel industry on the people who live around a steel tailing deposit through Ni determination in the air and urine.


Publicado online: novembro 29, 2023
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Total access: 614

Nota Técnica Quim. Nova 2024, 47(5), e-20230005, 1-17


Aplicativo GAMMA-GUI: uma interface gráfica amigável para planejamento de experimentos no Matlab

Diego GalvanI,#*; Evandro BonaII,III,#*

A Matlab® graphical user interface for the design of experiments (DoE) for users unfamiliar with the programming language.


Publicado online: dezembro 18, 2023
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Total access: 667

Educação Quim. Nova 2024, 47(5), e-20230133, 1-7


Dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC): an approach to practice in undergraduate teaching

Jeniffer M. MoreiraI,*; Karine C. dos SantosI; Matheus I. GarciaI; Raphael RodriguesI; Thiago SequinelI; Daiane RomanI; Cláudio T. de CarvalhoI

This work aims to build and characterize dye-sensitized solar cells using low-cost alternative materials and methods, with a focus on undergraduate teaching to stimulate student interest and thereby increase knowledge about the subject.


Publicado online: novembro 22, 2023
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Total access: 713

Quim. Nova 2024, 47(5), e-20240006, 1-12


Professores/as per(formando) gênero: corporeidades, hormônios e a Educação em Ciências/Química

Gustavo Augusto Assis FaustinoI; Clarissa Alves Carneiro BernardesI; Regina Nobre VargasI; Juvan Pereira da SilvaI; Brunno André RuelaI; Fernando Rocha da CostaII; Marysson Jonas Rodrigues CamargoIII; Anna Maria Canavarro BeniteI,*

The formative processes on knowledge and reflections gender and sexuality in Chemistry for a way of teaching hormones beyond the binary conception of gender.


Publicado online: dezembro 18, 2023
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Total access: 574

Quim. Nova 2024, 47(5), e-20240007, 1-5


As chalconas no ensino da química orgânica experimental no contexto da Química Verde

Mariana Falcão Lopes P. CarlosI; Aurea EchevarriaI,*

Chalcone synthesis was conducted by four methods included ecofriendly methodologies, such as absence of solvent and microwave irradiation. The method without solvent showed the best result with a lower time of reaction.


Publicado online: dezembro 19, 2023
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Total access: 593

On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
Química Nova
Publicações da Sociedade Brasileira de Química
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