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Acesso Aberto/TP

vol. 47, No. 6, 2024

Artigo de Capa
Quim. Nova 2024, 47(6), e-20240008, 1-12

Síntese, fotorreatividade e interação com dna de um novo complexo de rutênio protótipo para o desenvolvimento de agentes fotoquimioterapêuticos

Walysson Gomes PereiraI,II; Patrícia Helenita Rocha MartinsI; Paulo Eduardo Cavalcanti Martins FilhoI; Tércio Freitas PauloI; Izaura Cirino Nogueira DiógenesI; Eduardo Henrique Silva SousaI,*; Luiz Gonzaga de França LopesI,*

The synthesized complex undergoes photosubstitution reaction upon irradiation with visible light producing a new complex from which superoxide is generated causing DNA damage.


Publicado online: janeiro 15, 2024
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Total access: 930

Artigo de Contra Capa
Quim. Nova 2024, 47(6), e-20240013, 1-11

Avaliação multivariada da qualidade das águas superficiais e água final de abastecimento público de Belém, Pará, Brasil

Josélia Alves de Almeida Silva; Michelle de Souza Lemos; Neirivaldo Cavalcante da Silva; Kelly das Graças Fernandes Dantas; Heronides Adonias Dantas Filho*

A multivariate study was carried out on the effect of surface water quality on final public water supply in Belém, Pará, Brazil.


Publicado online: janeiro 19, 2024
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Total access: 849

Artigo Quim. Nova 2024, 47(6), e-20240002, 1-6


Evaluation of the cytotoxicity and genotoxicological safety profile of bioactive silver(i) complexes with aminoadamantane ligands

Igor Henrique CerqueiraI; Maria Julia MieliI; Anna Karla dos Santos PereiraII; Pedro Paulo CorbiIII,*; Flavia Aparecida ResendeI,*

Synthesis, characterization, and studies of the cytotoxic and mutagenic activities of Ag(I) complexes with aminoadamantanes are described in this work.


Publicado online: dezembro 5, 2023
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Total access: 563

Quim. Nova 2024, 47(6), e-20240003, 1-5


Kinetic study of the reaction between the cyclopalladated complex [PdCl(C2,N-dmba)(tu)] (dmba = N,N-dimethylbenzylamine, tu = thiourea) and L-cysteine

Diego B. FélixI; Daniela R. TruzziII; Adelino V. de Godoy NettoI; Maria Isabella Z. SoaresI; Gian V. RodriguesI;
José Clayston M. PereiraI,*

The proposed mechanism suggests that cyclometallated Pd(II) complexes can interact with thiols in solution through a series of steps. Overall, this mechanism provides insight into the potential reactivity and selectivity of cyclometallated Pd(II) complexes towards thiols in solution.


Publicado online: dezembro 5, 2023
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Total access: 607

Quim. Nova 2024, 47(6), e-20240004, 1-8


Optimization and validation of liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) method and the application of gas chromatography with fid detector for the determination and quantification of volatile fatty acids in effluents from anaerobic reactors

Emilene C. LourençoI; Camila J. OliveiraI; Juliana G. SomerII; Tiago J. MarteresII; Franciele N. LuizII; Marcela BoroskiI; Aline T. TociI,*

Gas chromatography procedure for determining and monitoring VFAs in effluents from anaerobic reactors.


Publicado online: dezembro 14, 2023
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Total access: 702

Quim. Nova 2024, 47(6), e-20240009, 1-4


Survey of tetracyclines residues in brazilian swine muscle

Vivian FeddernI,*; Carolina RucksII; Vanessa GresslerI; Anildo Cunha JuniorI; Carolina Naves AroeiraIII,IV; Alfredo Marcial Montes NiñoV

Residues of antibiotics used in swine production that have maximum residue limits for muscle and kidney established by legislation. These residues are monitored by chromatographic methods and when compliant results (below maximum residue limits) are obtained, the products might be considered safe to consumers.


Publicado online: janeiro 16, 2024
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Total access: 448

Quim. Nova 2024, 47(6), e-20240012, 1-9


Estresse toxicológico em um rio altamente impactado no ambiente portuário de Santos, SP

Maria L. S. VenturaI; Isadora D. R. CurraladasI; Marco A. dos SantosI; Mirian A. BoimI; Edgar MaquigusaI; Paula A. S. BastosI; Jorge E. S. SarkisII; Marcos A. HortellaniII; Elizabeth B. Oliveira-SalesI,*

The aim of this work was to evaluate the toxicological conditions of a highly impacted river. This study is necessary to create an analyzing and monitoring model of environmental contamination, in order to prevent pollution in the region.


Publicado online: janeiro 19, 2024
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Total access: 692

Quim. Nova 2024, 47(6), e-20240015, 1-7



Layanne R. da SilvaI; Ana Paula T. RochaI; Gilmar T. de AraujoI; Thais J. R. AraujoII; Douglas V. P. de FigueiredoII; Josivanda P. GomesII

The Fenton-photocatalyst method was applied in the treatment of effluent from dairy products, aiming at the removal of COD.


Publicado online: janeiro 25, 2024
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Total access: 505

Nota Técnica Quim. Nova 2024, 47(6), e-20240010, 1-5


Um método mais eficiente de isolamento do lapachol diretamente da matriz vegetal do Ipê

Douglas Chaves de Alcantara PintoI; Robson Corrêa da SilvaI; Luana da Silva Magalhães ForeziI; Vitor Francisco FerreiraII,*; Fernando de Carvalho da SilvaI,*

Highly efficient extraction process of lapachol directly from Ipê wood.


Publicado online: janeiro 17, 2024
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Total access: 477

Quim. Nova 2024, 47(6), e-20240011, 1-5


Sub-minute capillary zone electrophoresis method for determination of hydrochlorothiazide in combination with other active ingredients in nine different pharmaceutical samples

Mariana C. MarraI,*; Rodrigo A. A. MunozI,II; Eduardo M. RichterI,II,*

A single and fast CE method for quality control of nine different pharmaceutical samples containing hydrochlorothiazide in combination with other active ingredients.


Publicado online: janeiro 19, 2024
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Total access: 650

Educação Quim. Nova 2024, 47(6), e-20240014, 1-9


The electrostatic force applied to teaching organic chemistry in undergraduate classes

Caio L. Firme

Dipole-dipole interaction between two diethyl ether molecules and the corresponding electrostatic force equation for this interaction.


Publicado online: janeiro 24, 2024
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Total access: 569

Quim. Nova 2024, 47(6), e-20240016, 1-10


Tutorial para aplicação didática de planejamentos de misturas utilizando libreoffice e rstudio

Luiz Henrique Cantarino AdrianoI; João Marcos Beraldo CandidoI; Olívia Brito de Oliveira MoreiraI; Ieda Spacino ScarminioII; Roy Edward BrunsIII; Marcone Augusto Leal de OliveiraI

Chemometrics and data science are powerful tools for the analysis of chemical data, although they can become highly difficult to execute and analyze owing to a large amount of data. Therefore, free software are strong allies of scientific groups with untapped potential which includes the analysis of data from mixture design experiments.


Publicado online: janeiro 29, 2024
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Total access: 584

On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
Química Nova
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