Andrés C. A. AcevedoI; Juliana K. BilhaI; Priscila R. M. PereiraI; Paula A. J. AraujoII; Marciana P. UlianaI,II,*
Theoretical calculations are tools in predicting sustainable photosensitizing molecules, synthesized derivatives of chlorins and bacteriochlorins. The theoretical data obtained with the Gaussian 09 software using density functional theory (DFT) are similar to experimental spectroscopic data.
Gleiciane Barros Ferreira da SilvaI,II; Mateus Ferreira AmaralI; Felipe Perin BezerraI; Ailton José TerezoI; Marilza CastilhoI
Graphical abstract of composite electrode as electrochemical material for the simultaneous determination of pesticides in surface water and its oxidation behavior study.
Crislaine F. BertoldiI; Rafael G. DolattoI; Luiz F. L. de OliveiraII; Lennon F. ReisII; Maria C. CanelaII
; Julyanne T. B. de MéloIII; Abinoan da S. RodriguesIII; Ana P. PaimIII; Marco T. GrassiI,*
The contamination of ocean water with oil spills can be a potential problem for food security. The study investigated the presence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene (BTEX) in fishes from the Brazilian coast and Rio de Janeiro (RJ) had the higher contamination among the samples.
Eduarda V. S. GomesI; Iramaia A. MoraesI; Felipe C. MazzaI; Fernanda R. C. DamascenoI,II,*
; Juliana O. C. BrumI,III
Physico-chemical treatment of hospital laundry wastewater using aluminum sulfate, tannin and Moringa oleifera seeds aiming for the removal of pollutants and pathogens.
Thiago Antonio Valdez GarciaI,*; José Fernando Ruggiero BachegaII,III; Paulo Augusto NetzI,*
Representation of the stages of the study of the enzymatic degradation of polyurethane (PU): (a) docking, (b) molecular dynamics and in (c) the free energy profile of the proposed reaction mechanism.
Diogo A. P. da SilvaI; Mateus P. MatosII; José Antônio Ribeiro de AraújoI; Thiago de A. NevesI,*
The dewatered sludge from the anaerobic reactor is directed to the reservoir, and subsequently, loading of the wetlands is carried out at different application rates.
Mayra N. MouraI; Ana C. S. CamposI; Victor L. O. NevesI; Victória P. PoloniniI; Jenifer R. AlmeidaI; Luma B. MagnagoI;
Sandra A. D. FerreiraI; Fabielle C. MarquesII; Marcos B. J. G. de FreitasI e Maria F. F. LelisI,*
This article presents the photocatalyst activity of abrasive mud waste on decolorization methylene blue dye in aqueous reaction medium with H2O2 and UV light from a source lamp put at 20 cm apart.
Jingheng Ning*; Rui Wei; Liming Sha; Chang Sun; Qunying Zuo; Dong-er Chen; Jiaqian Wei; Qiongcan Hu
The degradation of malachite green by H2O2 was enhanced by 179-fold when catalyzed by Fe3O4@SiO2, and at the same time, the catalytic degradation of malachite green could be stabilized in a wider pH range.
Luana Mayumi Takahasi MarquesI,*; Gabriela ReichertII; Rebeca de Mello CesarIII; Thais Cristine Nastally CanoI;
Júlio César Rodrigues de AzevedoI,II
The graphic abstract represents the cycle from the entry of emerging contaminants into aquatic environments, sampling and separation of compounds by liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry.
Luisa B. dos Santos; Tonny A. Moreira
; Cleocir J. Dalmaschio
; Marta A. Machado
Thermoplastic starch-based biocomposites, derived from cassava, reinforced with eucalyptus fiber were prepared by hot compression molding. Sample reinforced with larger fibers showed improvement in mechanical properties and reduced moisture/water sorption.
Tatiane Carvalho MaedaI; Franciele Morlin CarneiroII; José Waldir de Sousa FilhoI; Luciano Shozo ShiratsuchiIII; Geoffroy Roger Pointer MalpassI,*
This study investigated the feasibility of estimating the water quality parameters of the Uberaba River by remote sensing, a more sustainable technique, since it does not generate waste like conventional chemical analyses.
Rafael Bel Prestes da Silva; Júlia Antunes de Oliveira; Cleusa Fátima Zanchin; Pimpernelli Jonco dos Santos; Osmar Damian Prestes; Renato Zanella
This review aims to provide an overview of the methods for determining pesticide residues in exotic fruits, focusing on the strategies employed by these methods and the occurrence of pesticide residues.
Rayanne O. Araujo; Otorvan C. dos Anjos; Luiz K. C. de Souza; Giovana A. Bataglion*
Biochar is derived from the thermochemical conversion of lignocellulosic biomass residues. The material is activated through a combination of chemical and physical processes to achieve desirable textural properties, making it an effective adsorbent for environmental remediation of both organic and inorganic contaminants.
Romina A. Arreche; Patricia G. Vázquez*
This work will focus on Sustainable Development Goals 3 and 4, respectively, which will be achieved if citizens have a sustainable education. This plays an important role in having a healthy life.
Sergiana S. de Oliveira AprigioI; Maria Vitória L. NascimentoI; Leonardo B. CantanhedeI,*; Severina C. da Silva CantanhedeII;
Osiel C. da Trindade JuniorI; Douglas R. e Silva BarbosaI; Lidiane da Silva AraújoI
Teaching chemistry as a tool for sustainability based on discussions of environmental chemistry in the classroom: challenges and achievements in 27 years of disseminating research in chemical education through the journal Quimica Nova na Escola (QNESc).
On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
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