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Brief reflections on the 4th Industrial Revolution and its impact in chemical sciences

Ana Paula N. de SouzaI; Gabriel Francisco S. da SilvaI; Bernardo Cardeal DarzéI; André Vinícius D. SenraII; Jaqueline D. SenraI,*

I. Departamento de Química Geral e Inorgânica, Instituto de Química, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, 20550-013 Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brasil
II. Instituto Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Campus Volta Redonda, 27213-100 Volta Redonda - RJ, Brasil

Received: 03/17/2024
Accepted: 08/26/2024
Published online: 11/06/2024

Endereço para correspondência

*e-mail: jaqueline.senra@uerj.br


The 4th Industrial Revolution is well described as a digital revolution in which the integration between the physical, biological and digital fields can prompt unprecedented results in terms of research, innovation and products. Our brief discussion is built upon chemistry as a fundamental science in this context: it emerges with contributions for advanced digital technologies along with clean energy, sustainable processes and circular economy for the industry 4.0. Since the previous industrial revolutions brought uncertainty in the environment-chemistry binomial it is urgent achieving a systemic industrial innovation in order to promote a technological, energetic and social transition toward a sustainable future, especially in the alarming context of climate change. Despite the Brazilian chemical industry represents the largest in the Southern hemisphere it has few integrated chemical supply chains which represents a bottleneck toward advances in the manufacturing base. Within both academy and industry, the groundbreaking shift in the chemical sector can enable opportunities to chemists build a better future. At the same time, a paradigm shift is leading us to new methods, models and, consequently, disruption in the way of producing and sharing knowledge. Finally, some skills were proposed for chemists within the framework of the 4.0 era.

Palavras-chave: 4th industrial revolution; technological disruption; chemistry 4.0; industry 4.0.


Revolutions occur as a reflection of changes related to the status quo. Throughout human history, countless revolutions have had profound impacts, from the collapse of empires to changes in scientific paradigms, for instance. In general, analysis of social, political and scientific revolutions provides some insights into the facts that led to turning points that culminated to changes in current models.

From an economic point of view, the 19th and 20th centuries can be considered landmarks for the contemporary age, since they are linked to the emergence of the first Industrial Revolutions, which brought profound changes to labor relations and the mechanisms for producing goods.1 The first Industrial Revolution, which took place at the end of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century, promoted a shift from manual work to mechanized processes and allowed new professions to emerge. These initial changes culminated in the rapid development and establishment of high-tech industries - engineering, aviation, chemistry, etc., which led to the second Industrial Revolution (which took place in the second half of the 19th century until the first half of the 20th century) and the intensification of the mechanization of production and consumption.1 With the increased demand for science and technology, the "scientific" professions took on a prominent role, given the urgency of mass industrial production. The third Industrial Revolution was characterized by major advances in telecommunications technologies, information sciences and more sophisticated automation of production processes. These aspects allowed for greater integration of the production process. The main consequence was the acceleration of technologies in the microelectronics industry (perhaps better defined today as nanoelectronics), supercomputers and programming logic to increase automation performance.1

The 4th Industrial Revolution, which is already underway, has distinct features from previous ones, being characterized by a strong integration between cyber-physical and biological systems, i.e., a great connection between virtuality and reality made possible by the use of artificial intelligence, to unprecedented dimensions.2 These aspects are not limited to the industrial sector alone, but are having an impact on various sectors of society.

The real dimension of the 4th Industrial Revolution emerged in 2011 in Germany, where the term industry 4.0 was coined to indicate a futuristic vision of "autonomous factories", which would have sophisticated automation and decision-making power based on artificial intelligence.3 In an expanded conception that goes beyond the productive sectors, the new revolution has been associated with a kind of fusion between the boundaries of the physical, biological and digital dimensions. Unlike the 3rd revolution - which was based on the increase in hardware - digital technologies are being a driving factor in the creation of new realities: with a decentralized internet focused on immersive experiences well adapted to user behavior (web 3.0), it will be possible to offer a wide range of options to consumers very soon.

The four main points that permeate the new digital revolution centered on artificial intelligence involve the concepts and applications related to the internet of things (IoT), Big Data, cloud computing and machine learning. Examples of this integration include smart homes, autonomous vehicles, image recognition and financial transactions mediated by blockchain.

In this scenario, the arrival of new technologies has led to the creation of countless new professions that can support the technological cyber chain.4 In this way, it is likely that the digital revolution will also bring about a new reality with impacts on the social sphere and many others. However, the lack of public discussion5 along with media information about the consequences may worsen uneven, especially within peripheral societies. Although the socio-economic factor is inseparable from the analysis of the industrialization processes that have taken place since the first Industrial Revolution, the different factors that have contributed to the individual processes of various societies are beyond the scope of this article. However, some reflections on the asymmetrical development of different societies can serve as a starting point for projections of the 4th Industrial Revolution.5

The line between the different industrial revolutions is blurred: it is often difficult to precisely define the beginning and end of each one, especially as it does not exclusively affect economic aspects. According to Hobsbawm6 it is an acceleration of growth "through" and "due to" social and economic transformation.

In the field of chemical sciences, the 4th revolution can manifest itself through variables involving the efficiency of processes, the understanding of more complex reaction mechanisms, the projection of new molecular structures or composites based on big data and the way in which experimental and theoretical work is constructed, given the new technological tools.7 In this sense, the use of machines with high processing power and intelligence should enable incalculable advances in the development of more optimized synthesis routes and with less generation of by-products, as well as discoveries of new reactivity patterns, for example.8

A CTSA (Science, Technology, Society and Environment) approach in chemistry is essential to ensure that the innovations of the 4th Industrial Revolution are developed and implemented in a responsible manner, taking into account not only technological advances, but also social, ethical and environmental aspects, for the benefit of society as a whole.

In the following sections we will discuss some of the ramifications of the 4th Industrial Revolution on sectors of society and its ongoing impacts. The aim is to critically analyze the social domains and their interaction with the scientific and technological fields. To this end, a selection of topics was made with the aim of highlighting existing asymmetries that could contribute to reflections and dialogues in the search for solutions capable of promoting inclusion and reducing negative impacts. It also tries to situate the role of the chemist and the chemical sciences in this process.



The first and second Industrial Revolutions took place between the 18th and 19th centuries and were characterized by large-scale production, the use of fuels such as coal and oil and the generation of electricity (Figure 1). It mainly brought about the idealization of economic models, such as Fordism and Taylorism, which changed production methods and influenced industrial design to this day.9 Many social impacts resulted from these revolutions, including the rural exodus - which led to a large increase in the urban population due to the need for labour in factories - and, consequently, peripheralization, inequalities, pollution, among others, which were added to exhausting working hours in order to increase production.



The 3rd Industrial Revolution, known as the digital and computer revolution10 began after the end of World War II and lasted until the beginning of the 21st century (Figure 1). Marked by the dispute for world hegemony between the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) - now Russia - this period saw a high level of technological development driven by the space race. Since then, many instruments have been created, such as computers and cell phones, thanks to the development of semiconductors and chips.

Technology is no longer just present on the production line - which is only used as a tool - but has taken on the role of product and service, becoming part of our daily lives. This migration from the factory to the home has led to countless changes in different areas of society, such as education, transportation, the economy, etc. Thus, the 4th Industrial Revolution has not been limited to just integrate machines and data interpretation, as it deals with the interaction between the physical, technological and biological worlds (Figure 1). As a consequence, it has also caused some limitations related to its use, such as digital privacy and the impacts and changes in social rights.

Likewise, it is transforming the way we relate to each other and to nature, as Schwab10 points out: "We still need to understand the speed and breadth of this new revolution more comprehensively. Imagine the limitless possibilities of billions of people connected by mobile devices, giving rise to unprecedented processing power, storage resources and access to knowledge. Or imagine the staggering profusion of technological breakthroughs covering numerous areas: artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, the internet of things (IoT), autonomous vehicles, 3D printing, nanotechnology, biotechnology, materials science, energy storage and quantum computing, to name but a few. Many of these innovations are only just beginning, but they are already reaching a turning point in their development, as they build on and amplify each other, fusing the technologies of the physical, digital and biological worlds".

In the environmental perspective, the industrial revolutions have had a significant impact due to the intrinsic logic of increasing production. The relationship between the human activity and nature can be evidenced in the environmental context since the climate change has been directly linked to the progress arising from the industrial revolutions. For instance, emissions of fossil CO2 have generally continued to rise with economic growth in developing countries even after the establishment of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Brazil (1992). This convention also revealed that greenhouse gas emissions were closely linked to the growth of the oil industries. In Brazil, the positive financial movement caused by oil refining brought several environmental catastrophes associated with the contamination of aquatic fauna and flora with heavy oils.

Thus, the global warming is the great evidence of the increasing concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, mainly promoted by the fossil fuels burning. This negative facet of the human activity in nature reveals the need to use the technology to increase sustainability.

From a scientific point of view, the sustainable view can be easily associated with the advantages of integrated devices: for instance, with a simple click on mobile devices, we can gain access to research results in real time, follow reactions through interconnected cameras and activate/deactivate chemical processes in research laboratories. In addition, the sheer volume of data generated today, together with big data techniques, has opened up opportunities for more efficient decision-making. Especially in the case of the chemical industry, the focus is mainly on optimizing production.11 Furthermore, the incorporation of circular economy and sustainability principles into chemical processes has the potential to reduce resource usage and minimizes waste production. Thus, a long-term sustainability and resilience in the chemical industry can be achieved. A similar approach is a possibility for the product development, process simulation, along with the energy management of the chemical plant and its maintenance plan. For example, lower and more efficient energy consumption can be achieved through real-time monitoring using advanced analytics techniques.12 Another advantage is related to the predictive (and therefore more dynamic) maintenance of AI-controlled equipment, quickly and safely. In an interesting analysis, Chiang et al.13 showed how the integration of the entire business chain of the chemical plant can reduce waiting times between order, sales, processing and manufacturing operations. In this sense, it is assumed that through automation combined with information systems, chemical processes could reach a new level of development in the coming years.



The labor market has been impacted by major changes over time, mainly due to the technological development of society. Using the classic "Modern Times"14 by Charlie Chaplin it is possible to identify a model that is still in force in many industries around the world.

Among the trends associated with the new job market for the coming years, there is a symbolism that still lingers in the imagination: the (almost) complete replacement of man by machine. However, some projections are betting on integralization, i.e., a type of cooperative man-machine work. It should be noted that the context will involve professionals specializing in data interpretation, which means that the training factor should be decisive and potentially exclusionary for job placement. It is possible to consider that certain attributes will be essential in this new scenario: the future will require more and more cognitive and social skills from professionals.

In the early industrial revolutions, there was a pattern of society similar to those structured in industries whose economic model was Fordism. With the process of globalization and technological advances, part of society has changed and many repetitive industrial tasks are now performed by machines to minimize errors. In this context, it will be possible to program the actions of machines and obtain performance from a distance.

Along these lines, the human contribution to the technology sector will be very much centered on the process of creation, i.e., innovation, with the aim of developing new material possibilities that will be built by machines. At first, the individual has been expected to play a decision-making role - albeit directed by AI - since mechanical jobs are still being linked to automation. From another perspective, these changes to jobs - in the light of entrepreneurship and individual capabilities - will be based more on the performance of their members.

From a humanist perspective the negative consequences of this process are the already increasing rates of Burnout syndrome, as well as other potential psychological illnesses. In a performance society, individuals will have more and more freedom to work, i.e., autonomy to build their own careers based on the so-called meritocracy. However, the possibility of career advancement has stimulated the positive domination mechanism on a large scale - a form of control motivated by social or even professional advancement.15 Extensive research16 identify that the desire to avoid subordination led to anxiety and depression. Workers' self-domination - induced by the new labor relations - therefore becomes more delicate in the psychological sphere.15 As a consequence, it is argued that the worker can be convinced that freedom of production will bring benefits for professional advancement, based on psychological control.

At the same time, the future job market will tend to demand more and more computer skills for key technologies. Given that some traditional professions will become outdated, one of the most important challenges that society will face in the near future will be to train the workforce of workers with lower levels of education, but also to create a greater number of formal jobs that will not be occupied immediately. In addition, informal work is expected to increase under these conditions. There are advocates of creating a Universal Basic Income (UBI), and there are already pilot projects in countries such as the Netherlands and Canada. This would be a response to protect the socially vulnerable population from the inevitable changes in new professions.

From the point of view of pragmatism, digital exclusion and a certain technological illiteracy1 may be revealed in the early stages of this process. However, job opportunities should not only be available to those with cultural and economic capital.17 Therefore, the mediation of the State - according to Amartya Sen, the creator of the Human Development Index (HDI) - will be fundamental in the coming years, given that the inequality generated by the interaction between the market and the worker can be remedied by digital inclusion in schools and financing the professional qualification of its workers for inclusion in Industry 4.0.

In 2016, the largest consulting firm in the world, Deloitte18 published some points related to the positioning of the chemical industry in this competitive scenario. Some highlights were: (i) value chain visibility and demand forecasting; (ii) process control and energy/safety managements; (iii) business growth in the areas of additive manufacturing for the development of personalized products, 4D printing for advanced material and data integration. In the case of Brazilian chemical industries, the process of implementing digital technologies still needs to make more progress. In the same year, a study carried out by the Brazilian National Industry Confederation (NIC)19 showed that the chemical sector ranks 10th among industrial sectors concerning the implementation of high technologies in chemical processes. Some reasons are still the high cost of implementation, the time/cost of investing in employee training and lack of confidence about the return on investments.

However, the increasing demands for improving performance by technology along with the real understading of the changing in customer consumption pattern can generate demand for new products, opening up new market possibilities. According to the NIC, the sector has been turning its attention to technologies aimed at producing products, to the detriment of processes. In the latter area, the expected changes could come mainly from the areas of security, data integration and process control/management. In addition, the areas of simulation, energy management and maintenance are also likely to be impacted. For example, in the case of process control, some recent work20 has indicated the necessary role of intelligent sensing based on machine learning/deep learning strategies in different sectors of industry. The use of a multifunctional biorefinery based on microalgae for the production of food and bioplastics represents an excellent "case" given the problems associated with the adequacy of cultivable areas and population growth.21 Optimization of the process was made possible by using IoT to control cultivation, harvesting, growth and productivity.

Another case involving the process control in the chemical industry was developed by Rady et al.22 for the identification of allergens in the food industry. Low-cost sensors in the near-infrared used together achieved up to 100% accuracy in predicting the presence of allergenic compounds based on different machine learning techniques.

Despite the great interest and potential applicability already underway in the control and optimization of processes using sensors shaped by AI algorithms, human intervention is necessary to identify important variables and improve the algorithms themselves. In this way, artificial intelligence can boost the search for important patterns and improve predictions that help experimental work in academia and industry. Furthermore, in the light of big data, the systematization of information could reach a level that should promote the growth of innovation almost in real time.



With the advance of technology, education adapted in a certain sense to promote technical and academic training in accordance with the constraints imposed by society.23 During the first Industrial Revolution, the labor market needed a more qualified workforce, which mainly favored the development of technical education. However, the development of new educational methodologies has been the subject of reflection and some contradictions over the years, and therefore often has some limitations in terms of being definitively established.

Using cinematography as an example, it is possible to cite films that portray little or almost no change in the standards of the school environment. In "The Girl Who Stole Books"24 and "Diary of a Wimpy Kid",25 there is a portrait of a rigid school environment centered on the figure of the teacher. Although they depict different times and contexts (the first is Nazi Germany in the 1940s, and the other is set in the United States in the 1990s), the school scenarios faithfully reproduce the meaning of traditional education, with the teacher being the ultimate authority of knowledge.

Compared to more recent times, there have been few significant changes in the design of classroom approaches, despite the use of technological resources in many cases. Thus, recognizing the need for the school environment to evolve has required gradual changes in pedagogical practices. One of the main approaches has been to increase the autonomy of the students in their educational processes. In this respect, autonomy is fundamental for development and training for citizenship. Autonomy is also important for the development of subjectivity and maturity of the students. All of these factors still need to be incorporated into educational processes in general.

One cultural movement that is making inroads into education is the maker culture, the aim of which is to "get hands-on", where students build and formulate their own objects and knowledge. In this approach, students develop their knowledge, because maker education explores the learning of content through the practice of formulating ideas and developing projects. This ties in well with learning through integrated projects, since students take different knowledge into their own hands. In Brazil, it is considerably modern but there are several initiatives relating the benefits of maker movement in chemical education, such as lampworking experience in a lab.26 In his text, Brockveld26 talks about the importance of "maker" culture for education.

The "maker" movement extends this thinking to other areas of society, such as education. Today, knowledge is presented in a ready-made, structured form, almost as if it had been manufactured. The student consumes the lessons - without understanding how certain concepts were created, focusing only on the content that each subject has to convey. Whereas in the problem-solving learning approach (or challenges), so widespread in "maker" education spaces, it is necessary to break problems down into parts, starting from assumptions and then arriving at the solution, formulating theories and building them through experimentation. In this sense, education associated with the "maker" movement is different from traditional classes because the student acquires tools to understand and improve the knowledge received in lectures, in other words, the student learns how to learn.

Furthermore, some consolidated social networks such as Instagram and YouTube represent the main source for many citizens interested in educational areas. For instance, there are digital influencers in the scientific area, to which students have access through social networks, which encourage experimentation and maker culture itself, through scientific content disseminated on their networks.27 In addition, it is important to highlight that an adaptative communicative style and digital marketing codes combined with concise content are aspects to consider within the whole analysis of education/educators' place in this era.

In the context of the 4th Industrial Revolution, the so-called education 4.028 has some main premises, such as personalized and project-based learning aided by AI, as well as assessments structured by virtual simulations. In this context, within the bring your own device (BYOD) movement, many students will not only be able to enjoy assistive technologies for teaching, but also to combine study and technology in an attractive and up-to-date way. Within chemistry teaching, abstraction is one of the skills that students need and one of the approaches that have already been explored in this way is augmented reality (AR), in addition to virtual reality. Both technologies are contributing for the development of innovative pedagogical strategies in classrooms. In AR, it is possible to use the camera of a device in association with any surface, or one that has been previously prepared, to generate a digital image that appears to belong to reality. This technology has already been used, for example, to bring virtual laboratories to schools that do not have such a space via QR (quick-response) codes.29

We must also take into account the different levels of digital learning of students with special needs, who may be inserted in doubly exclusionary contexts. Added to this is the low digital literacy of older individuals, which has contributed to an already worrying statistic: around half of the global population (around 3.7 billion people) still does not use the internet.30

Thus, the personalization of education will also be fundamental, since functional education has used the needs and objectives of students as a starting point for more meaningful learning, since the singularities of each individual will be taken into account. More specifically, the use of AI-powered digital platforms has already proved attractive for identifying learning patterns and defining individual study plans.31 Often the activities proposed by this medium can be carried out in groups, stimulating thinking and developing learning in a collective way. However, personalized education can increase inequality between public and private education, since public schools do not have the technological resources to implement these methodological practices.32

Recently, the introduction of ChatGPT33 in the educational context - the most talked-about chatbot with generative artificial intelligence at the moment - has raised questions about its pedagogical benefits, as well as its limitations and risks. For example, a recent study showed that ChatGPT could work as a virtual learning assistant to help reinforce concepts, using examples from general chemistry and organic chemistry.34 However, preliminary evaluations of answers to specific questions were reported to have a higher degree of error and inaccuracy. In addition, logarithmic calculations and the need to consider chemical structures/abstract models for chemists have been highlighted as limitations of mainly text-based systems.34 Despite the inevitable future advancement of systems based on generative AI, some of the issues potentially needed to assist in the future uses of this tool could be considered: (i) the need to identify texts generated by AI for more common uses (e.g., academic reports, scientific texts) in order to combat a new type of plagiarism; (ii) the encouragement of the tool to help students develop critical thinking, in addition to ensuring accessibility; (iii) changes in the forms of academic assessment of students. However, course completion and postgraduate work requires textual production, which adds a challenge to this scenario.

It is important to note that education 4.0 refers to a broad approach that incorporates advanced technologies, such as the internet of things (IoT), artificial intelligence, virtual and augmented reality, automation and data analysis, to transform the teaching and learning process. Although some Brazilian classrooms are currently using different technological resources, such as laptops, tablets, the internet, social networks and even some software for observing graphs and molecules, and teaching using gamification, most of them still do not fit in with 4.0 teaching.



In order to make a more integrated process feasible, the use of technologies is essential and with the 4th Industrial Revolution the number of technologies available for this implementation has grown, such as big data, IoT, cloud computing, machine learning, among others, which can facilitate the transportation system. For example, with interconnected means of transport, it is possible to store daily data on transportation, traffic information and passenger demand at a given place and time. By integrating means of transport, it is possible to imagine highly optimized journeys in places where demand is highest, as well as to program fuel consumption.

In 4th revolution, sustainable mobility is the driving factor, with an increasing emphasis on car sharing, efficient public transport, autonomous electric vehicles and other solutions that reduce the need for fossil fuels. Until the mid-19th century, the burning of fuels such as charcoal, crop waste and/or wood - was the predominat source of energy across the world.35 For the production of transportation fuels, the use of oil-based matrix is still the most important, nowadays. However, the turn of the 20th century is been focused on the biomass-energy and battery industry to foster the hybrid vehicles production.

More specifically, fuels are evolving towards more sustainable options, including electrification, green hydrogen, biofuels and synthetic fuels in which technology plays a key role in their efficient management and monitoring, contributing to the quest for cleaner and more sustainable mobility.36

In fact, other interesting sources are biofuels, produced from renewable sources such as biomass, algae and organic waste, and synthetic fuels, also known as e-fuels, produced from carbon dioxide (CO2) and hydrogen are already being intensely researched as possible alternatives.

Another in course change by 4th revolution is the electrification of vehicles and equipment as a trend. This includes electric vehicles (EVs), such as electric cars and buses, which are powered by rechargeable batteries. Electrification reduces local pollutant emissions and helps to reduce dependence on fossil fuels. In addition, the use of hydrogen is also a trend, as a versatile and clean energy source, and is considered a promising alternative for electrification in sectors where batteries may not be practical, such as aviation and heavy transportation.



The economy, if analyzed etymologically, has its origins in the primary idea of family administration. Since then, this social field can be used as a parameter to verify some important aspects of society at the moment. For example, in a BANI (brittle, anxious, non-linear and incomprehensible) and VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambigous) worlds, economics also adopts a dynamic, contextual and, above all, social perspective, overriding monetary logic.37

For a long time, monetary prosperity had the ideal of value where the main social focuses were on possession, competition, centralization and, fundamentally, the product. This structure generated what is known as the paradigm of scarcity, which is the driving force behind the generation of value. In this way, what is lacking acquires high added value, making access difficult, driving social inequality and causing countless problems in other spheres of society.

This model, which has been in force since the industrial revolution, still shapes what we mean by prosperity, but the socio-environmental crises we are experiencing today indicate that this model is outdated, damaged by factors it itself created. Every year we consume more from a world that cannot increase its natural productive capacity, something that can be seen in the studies carried out by the international group Global Footprint Network38 and published on the website. Every year, it is predicted when society will exhaust the resources that the planet can generate that year, which, in general, has been happening earlier and earlier.39

With these alarming observations, society, including organizations, governments and individuals, finds itself needing to find new meanings for value in fields other than money. The world today is on-demand, centered on power of choice of the people and reflects the dimensions of value already described and urgently needed: contextual, dynamic, empathetic, co-created and social. With this change in vision of what is relevant and valued, changes are also needed in economic models and in consumer and business ideals.

As a result, new models of thinking about the economy have emerged, with appropriate visions of valorization. Perhaps the best known of these models is the circular economy.40 This model aims to replace the idea of disposal with reinsertion into the production line, preserving the environment and helping it to renew its resources. This logic must appear right from the conception of the product and its design, allowing not only for recycling, but also for resistance and adaptability. There is also an idea of social collaboration in this model, since a product can be used countless times in a community without the need for disposal or repeated purchase. A single piece of equipment is capable of supplying numerous households before it is discarded, and is constantly reused for its intended purpose without the need for disposal or overproduction.

Chemistry has a unique role within this logic of regenerating materials, products and components to preserve natural resources and enhance the life cycle of consumer goods. The principles of green chemistry offer a platform for the development of environmentally friendly processes in academia and industry and are therefore naturally included in this context.41 However, the ideals of circularity need to consider human and environmental factors on an equal footing with profits. This approach expands the idea of sustainability proposed by green chemistry beyond chemical processes, encompassing the entire life cycle of chemical products. Thus, in a chemistry 4.0 laboratory model, waste can become resources for insertion as precursors in chemical reactions. In the end, the products formed could generate recyclable inputs within the production chain and generate a closed-loop, which would eliminate the concept of disposal. Still in this context, the donut model of the economy - which emerged at Oxford University - proposes an internal and external limit to the economy in which not only natural resources are respected (there is no deficit), but basic human needs are guaranteed for all, preserving the idea of circularity already mentioned.42 In the analysis of the Brazilian chemical industry, Monteiro et al.43 integrated various circular economy models and indicators to build a composite index to assess the overall performance of the chemical sector in implementing circularity practices across 27 Brazilian states. By using principal component analysis (PCA), the circularity performance within basic chemicals revealed circular behaviors and concerns beyond emissions, such as waste and energy management. In addition, the analysis highlighted the importance of government policies, stakeholder collaboration, and consumer awareness to balance competitiveness and circularity goals.43

Another branch of the economy involves blockchain technology, which was developed for financial operations in order to protect, facilitate and grant transparency to transaction records and asset control in a network. Within the concepts of chemical sustainability, the rapid adoption of blockchain-type digital tools will enable the expansion of collaborative business models with the reproducible analysis of data on the life cycle of chemical products, including more reliable simulations within the health-environment-chemicals axle.44 Recently, computational chemistry simulations carried out by blockchain have shown that some benefits can arise from the introduction of data base fragmentation with a significant increase in computational throughput.45



The relationship between science and society has brought countless benefits to modern life, some examples to be cited involve: (i) the discovery of the first antibiotic46 by Alexander Fleming in 1928; (ii) the first digital computer in history, the ENIAC47 (electrical numerical integrator and calculator), created in 1946; (iii) the first internal combustion engine, invented in the 1860s by Nikolaus August Otto;48 (iv) the electron, the first subatomic particle discovered in 1897 by J. J. Thomson.49 However, the technological innovations that have emerged as a result of the 4th Industrial Revolution have had an impact not only on society, but also on the science philosophy. Every technological advance that has taken place in human history has forced the sciences to change their existing paradigms, formulating new methods of research and analysis of nature. Some of these initial changes provoked epistemological clashes at the end of the 1960s between many philosophers of science, such as Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper.

For Thomas Kuhn,50 the construction of scientific knowledge is influenced by various factors and is not limited to experimental data and theories. However, the method of analyzing phenomena is governed by current paradigms, i.e., current scientific models and laws, which are reformulated when they fail to explain the phenomena observed experimentally. This gives fluidity to the natural sciences, rather than treating them as absolute truths.

Unlike Kuhn, his antagonist Karl Popper,51 in his theory on the scientific method, does not take into account social factors and human influence on scientific results, treating them as exact and without sensitive impressions of researchers, removing any human aspect which is fundamental in any empirical procedure. This positivist thinking, in which the deductive method (from the general to the particular) prevails, ends up standardizing the way science is built, since in order to validate models and theories, these ideas need to pass pre-established tests and, if they do not fit, they are discarded. This removes the dynamism and fluidity of the natural sciences.

However, it is understandable that many theorists of science try to exempt it from any form of ambiguity, since metaphysics works with this. Auguste Comte,52 also like Kuhn,50 believes that the construction of scientific knowledge is something cumulative, including the paradigm shift itself, although abrupt, is also a sum of questions posed to the current scientific model. However, he does not see a strong opposition between paradigms in the scientific process, as Kuhn claims. An example of certain hybridization between paradigms would be the search for a unified theory, which envisages incorporating the foundations of quantum mechanics and the Theory of General Relativity into a single scientific theory to explain all physical phenomena.

Based on these theoretical clashes about the method and its paradigms, it is possible to conjecture developments regarding scientific activity in a scenario driven by artificial intelligence and machine learning. Within the theory of three worlds by Popper,51 it is assumed that the method is inductive, rational and independent of factors external to the scientific process, as argued within logical positivism. This aspect of Popper's thinking is in line with the systematics contained in the programming logic of algorithms: despite the human contribution, the intrinsic and inevitable mathematical language adds a certain distancing factor to some of Kuhn's conceptions. These, mainly linked to the factors surrounding paradigm shifts - external factors (historical, social and cultural) - may not be considered in scientific discoveries made exclusively by machine intelligence, in principle. As such, it is understood that the debated phases in the evolution of scientific thought can be marked by new structures for understanding how science is done.



The 4th Industrial Revolution, with its facets of digitalization, automation and integration, is transforming the chemical industry. It is crucial for improving efficiency, quality, safety and sustainability in production, keeping the industry competitive in an increasingly connected and data-driven world. Therefore, understanding and adopting the principles of industry 4.0 is essential for the success and continuity of industrial chemistry. The introduction of new technologies in the chemical industry goes beyond the exclusive consideration of the economic viability of companies, as it also represents a fundamental strategy to promote the sustainable development of each country.2,53

Production 4.0 represents a scenario in which various aspects become intelligent, for example: (i) intelligent design, when design software interacts intelligently with physical systems, (ii) intelligent production, as intelligent objects capture the needs of the industry in real time, enabling continuous optimization, (iii) intelligent monitoring, which uses sensors to collect a significant amount of data about the production process, and (iv) intelligent control, in which data generated by sensors is processed in real time to generate information and enable more precise and adaptive control.54 And for a professional in the field of chemistry to adapt to this industry 4.0 context, also known as professional 4.0 or chemist 4.0, it is essential to acquire a specific set of skills and knowledge.

First of all, certain knowledge of information technology (IT) is interesting. Future chemists should understand IT concepts such as automation, data analysis, cybersecurity and cloud computing. Automation is a fundamental part of any Industry 4.0, and IT plays an essential role in the automation of chemical processes, which include the use of sensors, actuators, control systems and software to monitor and control the different processes efficiently and precisely.55 Knowing how to design, implement and optimize automation and process control systems is important for improving efficiency and quality in chemical production. Chemists can use IT to capture large volumes of data in real time, which can be used to identify trends, predict failures and improve product quality. IT enables chemists to simplify the collection, structuring and analysis of large volumes of data, making it possible to identify patterns and trends that may not be discernible to the naked eye. It is essential for a professional to intervene in the analysis process, focusing on crucial variables that the machine cannot assess autonomously.

It is important to note that a chemist 4.0 does not have to be an IT specialist, but must be prepared to collaborate effectively with technology experts such as software engineers, data scientists and programmers to meet the needs of the company in the 4th Industrial Revolution.

Interdisciplinary collaboration therefore plays a key role and efficient communication skills and team collaboration are also essential for this chemist 4.0, since interdisciplinary collaboration is common practice in Industry 4.0, and it is crucial that professionals are able to express their ideas clearly and concisely, while contributing collaboratively to the success of projects and initiatives.56

Another key characteristic of chemist 4.0 is continuous learning,57 since technology is constantly evolving, making it important to always be willing to learn and adapt to new technologies and approaches, seeing the potential for innovation, developing new possibilities, and giving opinions on improvements to the algorithm. Industry 4.0 is constantly changing, so professionals need to be flexible and able to adapt to new technologies and working methods,57 which is why continuing education courses are so important. This professional must be aware of technological advances in general and always try to correlate ideas from other areas to apply to their own, for example, a type of algorithm used in civil engineering that has been adapted could be used for chemistry.

Critical, creative thinking and attention to professional ethics should also be highlighted, because with access to large amounts of data, it is of paramount importance to maintain high ethical standards in relation to privacy and responsible use of the information accessed.

In addition to these skills, it is important for chemists 4.0 to know how to manage their time, how to set limits for work, rest, self-discipline and organization, building professional relationships, virtual networking, for a healthier life when working remotely. In Industry 4.0, where technology plays a central role in transforming business processes and production, maintain mental and physical health is essential, as pressure and complexity can increase in highly technological environments.

There are Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS)58 and Chemical Information Systems (CIS),58 which are specific softwares designed to meet the needs of the chemical industry and research laboratories. LIMS are focused on the operational and logistical management of laboratories, while CIS focus on the collection, analysis and interpretation of chemical data to support chemical research and development. Both play an important role in process optimization and quality assurance in chemistry-related operations.

Knowledge of LIMS and CIS not only makes a chemist more efficient in their daily tasks, but also makes them more valuable to employers and more competitive in the job market, especially in a scenario where efficient data management and regulatory compliance are key. Knowing programming languages, such as Python59 or C++,60 is even more valuable for this professional to configure systems and develop customized solutions.

Chemists can also be assisted by IT in creating complex molecular models and computer simulations that help to understand the structure and behavior of molecules and chemical systems.61 These models can predict chemical properties, reactivity and molecular interactions. IT enables new professionals to perform computational calculations more efficiently, allowing for the rational design of new molecules and compounds, saving time and resources in experimental research.

Knowing how to operate some basic software, such as Avogadro,62 JChemPaint,63 MarvinSketch,64 Pybel,65 Gaussian,66 AutoDock,67 GROMACS,68 HyperChem,69 MOPAC70 and RasMol71 allows for the chemist to graph molecular structures, properties and simulation results, making the interpretation of results more intuitive. These pieces of software are not specifically classified as AI software; instead, they are software tools used mainly in chemistry and biology, but do not incorporate AI in the sense of machine learning or advanced AI algorithms, but can be used in conjunction with AI solutions in broader research. Some of the AI software and tools already used in chemistry are: DeepChem;72 RDKit;73 ChemTK;74 MoleculeNet;72 ChemAI;75 ChemPy;76 ChemOS;77 Chematica;78 Aibot.79 This is just the beginning of the application of AI in chemistry,80 which continues to grow as new techniques and algorithms are developed to accelerate the research and discovery of new compounds and the optimization of processes.

IT has also made it possible for chemists from all over the world to collaborate in real time. This is essential in chemistry, where the exchange of ideas and collaborative review of projects are crucial to advancing research. Thus, with access to chemical databases, with information on molecular structures, chemical properties and reactions, research has been simplified and time has been saved searching for relevant data. Chemists 4.0 must be aware of the regulations and guidelines that can affect the storage and processing of chemical data in the cloud, especially in highly regulated sectors such as the pharmaceutical industry,81 and must know how to protect systems and data from cyber threats.

There are also so-called "Digital Research Labs in Chemistry" that focus on applying IT, data analysis and digital tools to advance research and solve chemistry-related problems more efficiently and effectively.82 These labs combine chemistry principles with digital-age approaches and tools to perform experiments, analyze data, simulate reactions, optimize processes and make scientific discoveries.58 The Digital Research Lab team83 is responsible for conducting research and its development in this digital environment, taking advantage of advanced technologies to create solutions, innovate in products or services and keep the organization up to date with technological developments relevant to its field. Their activities are guided by the search for knowledge, innovation and continuous improvement.

The Royal Society of Chemistry is currently looking for people to test and visualize its products, and by being part of its Digital Research Lab, you can: test its different digital products; get involved in pilot projects, conduct tests and experiments; present ideas in development; provide feedback on your ideas; take part in feedback sessions and interviews and be part of the collaborative design work for its new products.

Therefore, to stand out and thrive in the job market, a chemist 4.0 must develop a combination of technical skills, interpersonal skills and adaptability to keep up with the changing demands of industry and society.84 And, knowing that the job market is evolving rapidly, the ability to adapt to new technologies and trends is just as important as technical skills, so understanding how actions and decisions in chemistry affect different areas, such as the environment, public health and the economy, is essential for a chemist 4.0.




The changes associated with the new digital revolution are intrinsic to the 4th Industrial Revolution and represent processes with a profound technological and social impact. To understand the characteristics that involve this new revolution, it is necessary to consider the technological aspects and the integration between them. From the point of view of environment, the purpose of environmental sustainability is quickly becoming one of the most critical issues in industry development. Historically, the processes of industrial, economic and social advancement present an inevitable dichotomy, considering that they stimulate a higher rate of energy consumption in detriment of the quality of its generation. As a result, the worsening of environmental issues has been an urgent issue in all sectors of society.

In Brazil, the establishment and consolidation of the chemical industry occurred from the 1990s. On this occasion, the chemical industry migrated from a state-controlled system to a private system. Within the energy context, the stimulated diversification of the energy matrix did not promote a rapid transition, since the oil industry is still predominant in Brazil. It is because energy transitions have been slow between each industrial revolution.

However, more recently, industrial chemical processes have been adapting to the requirements of regulatory bodies, in line with the principles of green chemistry. Within the precepts of chemistry 4.0, one of the opportunities and, at the same time, a fundamental challenge will be the combination of advanced technology with increased efficiency - with the use of renewable energy, abundant, low-cost and recyclable raw materials in order to minimize the climate changes. It is believed that the one key factor will be the use of artificial intelligence towards the personalized production of products. For the industrial production scenario, a better alignment with these environmental regulatory requirements will be necessary so that countries can follow standards and contribute to minimizing global impacts.

In other perspective, the new pattern of digital advancement foresees the connection between cyber-physical and biological systems, accelerated by artificial intelligence and a decentralized internet focused on the user experience. However, while on the one hand the availability of the internet is a factor in its increasing accessibility, on the other hand it could promote the deepening of economic and social inequalities. With the rapid progress of algorithms, a restructuring of the work pyramid could lead to new models and types of employment relationships, as has already been observed. According to the Global Risks Report released in 2016 during the World Economic Forum, income disparity and underemployment or unemployment could lead to greater social instability.

Chemistry is a central area with many impacts on the physical, biological and digital worlds. It is therefore appropriate to describe some of these predicted impacts on certain areas of society in order to encourage the search for a balance between benefits and risks. We do not intend to offer answers to some of these unpredictable and urgent questions. In doing so, we assume that the issues must be tackled through clarification and ongoing dialog within the chemical community. In addition, to bring an alert in the opportunities that will mainly be available to members of classes with high cultural and economic capital.

According to the theory of Heraclitus of Ephesus, no one can enter the same river twice, in other words, transformations are inevitable, we just have to try to understand them and, above all, let the river of change run its course.



The authors acknowledge Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES), Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) and Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ).



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Associate Editor handled this article: Nyuara A. S. Mesquita

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