20:55, sáb dez 14

Acesso Aberto/TP


A sensitive and robust LC-MS/MS method with monolithic column and electrospray ionization for the quantitation of efavirenz in human plasma: application to a bioequivalence study
A sensitive and robust LC-MS/MS method with monolithic column and electrospray ionization for the quantitation of efavirenz in human plasma: application to a bioequivalence study

Danilo C. G. Bedor, Jose H. de Souza Filho, Virna L. S. Ramos, Talita M. Gonçalves, Carlos E. M. de Sousa e Davi P. de Santana

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On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
Qu�mica Nova
Publica��es da Sociedade Brasileira de Qu�mica
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