23:38, qui mar 6

Acesso Aberto/TP


Removal of deposits and improvement of shelf life in CO2-rich mineral water by ozone-microbubbles

Un Hwa ChoeI,*; Jong Hyon ChoeII; Yong Jun KimI

I. Department of Applied Physics, Kim Chaek University of Technology, 999003 Pyongyang, Democratic People's Republic of Korea
II. Department of Food Engineering, Pyongyang Han Tok Su University of Light Industry, 95003 Pyongyang, Democratic People's Republic of Korea

Received: 12/22/2023
Accepted: 04/30/2024
Published online: 08/06/2024

Endereço para correspondência

*e-mail: cuh80624@star-co.net.kp


The aim of this study was to effectively remove Fe2+ by using ozone microbubbles in bottled mineral water to prevent sediment from occurring during storage and increase shelf life. By considering the characteristics of mineral water with low solubility of ozone and high CO2 content, a suitable ozone injection step was chosen and a new mineral water treatment method using microbubbles was proposed. As a result of the treatment of the bottled mineral water with ozone microbubbles, the concentration of the iron ion was reduced from 0.14 to 0.01 mg L-1, and the shelf life increased to 360 days. During the treatment, the concentrations of K+ and Na+ were almost unchanged, and the deposition time was reduced to one-third compared to the natural oxidation.

Palavras-chave: CO2-rich mineral water; ozone-microbubble; shelf life; bottled mineral water; water treatment.


The mineral waters have been widely used since long ago because of its abundance of natural minerals useful for human life. In recent years, the variety and production of bottled mineral waters have increased rapidly due to water pollution from various causes, depletion of drinking water sources and increasing human demand for health. An important issue in the production of bottled mineral water is that the physical and chemical characteristics, including hygienic safety and color and taste after bottle packaging, are not changed for a period of time. Therefore, studies were conducted to analyze the microbial status of bottled mineral water and to determine the cause of microbial development and growth, and to conclude that the bottling and storage process of mineral water affect the quantity and quality of microorganisms.1-4

It is not only microorganisms that affect the quality of mineral water. In mineral water, unstable components such as iron, manganese, and sulfur are also present, which are allowed to be removed.5 Also, according to EU directive 2003/40/EC,6 it is possible to use ozone-rich gases for the treatment of natural mineral water containing carbon dioxide. The results of the study show that limited treatment of filtration, oxidation, precipitation and ozone treatment should be performed so that the physicochemical properties of mineral waters along with microorganisms are not changed during the bottling process. The use of ozone gas in water treatment began about a century ago and was used to purify the dirty water by microorganisms.7 Later, chlorine and chlorine dioxide were used to effectively treat contaminants, including pathogenic organics. Ozone was again widely used because of the generation of chlorinated halogenated purified products (especially trihalomethane, THMS) by chlorine. However, due to the low solubility of ozone in water, ozone gas injected into the liquid decomposes before reacting with pollutants in water, reducing the efficiency of the reaction.8,9 In order to overcome this disadvantage of ozone gas, the gas dissolution effect is good and ozone microbubble treatment using improved oxidation process by hydroxyl radicals generated during bubble cracking has been widely carried out in recent years. Water treatment using ozone microbubbles resulted in an 8-34% higher treatment rate than that with pure ozone gas.10 Ammonia, the main factor of water pollution, was treated with ozone microbubbles, which were very effective for the oxidation of ammonia.11 Analysis of the effectiveness of dimethylphthalein (DEP) in water by treatment with ozone microbubbles in various reaction conditions showed that the mass transfer efficiency of ozone increased with increasing pH.12 The effect of pH on ozone microbubble treatment was also studied by other researchers,13-15 who concluded in agreement that the higher the pH, the better the microbubble treatment effect.

Starting from the need for treatment of mineral water, it is reasonable to use ozone gas (redox potential 2.07 V) for oxidation of Fe2+, one of the unstable components. Among the inorganic materials in mineral water sources, Fe2+ that do not undergo sufficient oxidation can be oxidized to Fe3+ during storage of mineral water and become precipitates, which do not change the total iron content in mineral water, but may change the physical properties such as turbidity. Therefore, the deposition of mineral water by fully oxidizing Fe2+ before bottling can increase the shelf life of mineral water. This is not contrary to the rule (legislation) that the unstable components of mineral water, such as iron, manganese, sulfur, and arsenic, can be removed.2 Results show that the ozone microbubble technique can be used to clean the Fe2+ present in mineral water, and that the pH of mineral water is problematic. Most mineral water, especially mineral water with CO2 above 400 mg L-1, has a pH below 7, which can also have a negative effect on ozone treatment of mineral water.5 In addition, CO2 gas, which is highly soluble in mineral water, makes it difficult for other gases to dissolve in mineral water. According to Henry's law of solubility the amount of gas dissolved in water depends on the partial pressure of the gas dissolved in the water, because in mineral water, CO2 gas is already highly dissolved. Therefore, the effective oxidation and deposition of Fe2+ by using ozone gas in CO2-rich mineral water requires a new method of ozone injection and injection conditions to suit the characteristics of mineral water.

The aim of the present study was to use ozone microbubbles to fully oxidize Fe2+ to reduce the reference value of drinking water, thus eliminating the occurrence of sediment during storage and increasing the shelf life by 360 days.

In this paper, the effect of the concentration of CO2 gas in mineral water, the pH of mineral water on the deposition rate of Fe2+ and the injection stage of ozone gas were determined, and the change of other ions in mineral water during ozone microbubble treatment was considered.



Preparation of mineral water samples

The mineral water samples used in the experiment were CO2-separated from original mineral water containing natural CO2. The amount of CO2 in original mineral water is about 3990 mg L-1 at 15 ºC, 0.1 MPa, and the pH of the mineral water is 5.71. The mineral waters are of HCO3-Ca-Mg-Na type.

The amount of CO2 in the mineral water was changed with the partial pressure of CO2 in the mineral water, because the amount of CO2 depends on the partial pressure of CO2 in the mineral water.16,17 CO2 degassing from the original mineral water was performed using degassing cascade column.18

When the partial pressure of CO2 was 0.1, 0.08, 0.06, 0.04, 0.02 MPa at the temperature of 14 ºC, the amount of CO2 in mineral water was changed to five values such as 3990, 2230, 1675, 1118 and 558 mg L-1, respectively.

Natural oxidation

The CO2-separated mineral water was oxidized and precipitated in an air-contacting oxidation column (80 m3) for 3 days (Figure 1), and the mineral water sample was sprayed in a jet nozzle mounted at the top of the oxidation column and placed in contact with air. The mineral water sprayed from the jet nozzle passes through the sand filter bed and is transported to the settling tank through a valve.


Figure 1. Structure of the oxidation column


Pure ozone gas oxidization

The experimental diagram is shown in Figure 2. The air inhaled to the ozone generator is purely oxygen through filtration, compression, water separation, and nitrogen separation steps. The passing pressure of oxygen gas in the plate is at a maximum of 0.6 atm and the amount of ozone gas produced in the ozone generator is 6-60 g h-1. The experiments were carried out by varying the concentration of ozone gas generated from 0.5 to 5 g h-1.


Figure 2. Schematic of pure ozone gas treatment


Ozone microbubbles oxidization

The experiment scheme is shown in Figure 3. The microbubble generator (MF5, Shanghai Xingheng Technology, Inc., China) was placed at 0.5 m from the upper liquid side of the reaction tank (80 m3) and the ozone microbubbles generated in the generator were passed through the reaction tank. The pressure of mineral water injected into the microbubble generator was 7 atm, and ozone gas was spontaneously inhaled by the negative pressure generated inside the generator. Ozone microbubble treated mineral water was discharged through the sand filter bed and transported to the settling tank.


Figure 3. Schematic of ozone micro bubbles treatment


Methods of analysis

The concentration of gaseous ozone was measured by the iodine method.19 The concentration of ozone dissolved in mineral water was measured by the indigo colorimetric method.19 Determination method of Fe cation was carried in accordance with ISO 6332:198820 by spectrometric method using 1,10-phenanthroline using spectrometer (UV-160A, Shimadzu, Japan). The method for determining K and Na cations was conducted in accordance with the international standard ISO9964-1:199321 and the method for determining Ca cation was performed in accordance with the international ISO7980:198622 using atomic absorption spectrometer (PerkinElmer 5100 PC, USA). Determination method for free chlorine and total chlorine were performed in accordance with the international standard ISO7393-3:199023 by iodometric titration method for the determination of total chlorine. Alkalinity (HCO3- and CO32-) values were determined by acidimetric titration with 0.01 mol L-1 HCl using an automatic titrator (DL53, Mettler Toledo, Switzerland). The settling time was determined as the time taken from the start of oxidation to the acceptable turbidity by extracting mineral water from the oxidation tank at a certain time interval and measuring its turbidity. The turbidity was measured using Hach 2100P (Hach Company, USA).



Effectiveness of oxidation by ozone microbubbles

For mineral water with a CO2 gas content of 558 mg L-1, the changes in turbidity with time were observed for natural oxidation, pure ozone gas oxidation and ozone microbubble oxidation (Figure 4). Figure 4 shows that the turbidity of natural oxidized mineral water gradually decreases over time and takes 70 h to settle until it becomes an acceptable turbidity according to drinking water standards.


Figure 4. Turbidity change with time for different oxidization methods


In the case of pure ozone gas oxidation, the reference turbidity was satisfied for 50 h. The settling time for oxidation by ozone microbubbles was about 25 h. The effect of oxidation by ozone gas is better compared to natural oxidation; especially the effect of ozone microbubble oxidation is three times higher. The amount of residual ozone in the solution for the oxidation by ozone gas was 1 mg L-1, and the amount of residual ozone in the oxidation by ozone microbubbles was 25.6 mg L-1, which is about 52 times higher than the solubility of ozone gas at room temperature. This means that the concentration of dissolved ozone in oxidation by ozone microbubbles is higher and the ozone availability is higher compared to oxidation by ozone gas.

The internal pressure of the bubble, which has a large influence on the solubility, depends strongly on the size of the bubble. The Young-Laplace equation24 can be used to calculate the internal pressure of bubbles.

where pg is the gas pressure (Pa) inside the bubble and p1 is the pressure (Pa) of the bubble outer liquid; σ is the surface tension of bubbles (N m-1), and db is the diameter of the bubble (m). According to Equation 1, the internal pressure of 1 μm bubble is 3.85 times larger compared to the internal pressure of 1 mm bubbles. Therefore, micro-bubbling of ozone gas decreases the surface area of the bubbles and increases the partial pressure of ozone gas; which increases the solubility of ozone gas.19,25 Oxidation by ozone microbubbles generates more hydroxyl radicals because of the large mass transfer coefficient of ozone gas due to the increased contact cross-section of ozone gas and water. In addition, hydroxyl radicals are generated during the cracking of microbubbles, the redox potential of hydroxyl radicals is 0.73 eV higher than that of ozone gas, which also plays a role in enhancing the additional oxidation capacity of ozone gas.24 Therefore, it can be seen that the oxidation process by ozone microbubbles increases the dissolution concentration of ozone and improves the production of hydroxyl radicals.

Effect of CO2 concentration on ozone microbubble treatment

Figure 5 shows the turbidity variation measured at five-hour intervals from the start of ozone microbubble treatment in mineral water with different CO2 gas concentrations. At this time, the size of ozone microbubbles is about 80 μm. When the CO2 gas content is 1118 mg L-1, the deposition time is about 25 h, about 35 h for 1675 mg L-1 and about 40 h for 2230 mg L-1. It can be seen that the deposition time increases gradually with increasing CO2 gas content.


Figure 5. Turbidity change with time in different concentration of CO2 for ozone microbubbles treatment


As can be seen from Figure 5, the CO2 content in the mineral water certainly affects the ozone gas bubble treatment. The lower CO2 concentration is, the more ozone gas is dissolved; thereby the oxidation of Fe2+ is accelerated and the deposition time gets short. In fact, according to Henry's solubility law, the mole fraction for water at 20 ºC and 0.1 MPa is 7.07 × 10-4 for CO2, whereas 1.885 × 10-6 for O3, CO2 is about 375 times larger than O3. Therefore, it is more difficult to dissolve ozone gas in mineral water sources with high CO2 solubility. The solubility of CO2 and O3 at the temperature of 20 ºC are 0.942 and L per L water respectively;19 the value for CO2 is about 2.4 times larger than that for O3.16,26

Gases with low values of the solubility are difficult to dissolve in water, and gases with high values of the solubility are prone to dissolve in water. Therefore, 3990 mg L-1 of CO2 gas in mineral water source would prevent additional dissolution of O3. With the removal of CO2 gas from mineral water source, the amount dissolved in water increases, resulting in a decrease in deposition time. According to experiments, it is clear that the ozone microbubble injection step should be chosen as a step with sufficient CO2-removal from mineral water.

Effect of pH on ozone microbubble treatment

In the case of ozone microbubble treatment, the variation of residual ozone concentration and pH with the change of CO2 gas concentration in mineral water is given in Table 1.



As shown in Table 1, as the content of CO2 in mineral water decreases, the pH increases and the residual ozone concentration increases. When the CO2 content in original mineral water was 3990 mg L-1, the pH was 5.8 and the residual ozone concentration was not observed, whereas the pH was 6.9 and the residual ozone concentration was 25.6 mg L-1, when the CO2 content in mineral water was 558 mg L-1. This indicates that the decrease in CO2 content of mineral water increases the solubility of ozone microbubbles, and at the same time increases the pH value of mineral water, which makes the water treatment effect by ozone microbubbles favorable.8 Decomposition reaction of ozone in water varies in characteristic depending on the pH value. Under acidic conditions of solution (pH < 7), direct oxidation reactions with molecular ozone and microorganisms dominate, and at pH ~ 7, indirect reactions with radicals that occur when ozone is dissolved in water and direct reactions occur simultaneously. In the case of pH > 7, organic compound does not react with molecular ozone, and continuous decomposition of ozone occurs with increasing pH value. In Figure 4, the good effect of ozone microbubble treatment with a concentration of 558 mg L-1 in mineral water is seen as an increase in the solubility of ozone microbubbles with a decrease in CO2 content, while the pH of mineral water is 6.9 (Table 1), which indicates that the generation of hydroxyl radicals with direct reaction of ozone molecules occurs explosively and the oxidation effect by ozone is improved. This is in good agreement with the results reported in the literature.27-30 Bityukova et al.27 reported that mineralized waters have acidic pH due to carbonatisation of the bottled waters and Kopylova et al.28 reported that the presence of CO2 accounts for the relatively low pH. Similar conclusions were made by Hoigne and Bader,29 and Mansouri et al.30

From the above experimental results and discussions, it can be seen that the ozone injection step, which is reasonable for the effect of water treatment by ozone microbubbles in mineral water with high CO2 content, is a step in which the content of CO2 is controlled so that the pH value of mineral water is about 7 or above 7. In the mineral water used in this paper, its value was 558 mg L-1.

Effect of ozone microbubble treatment on ion concentration in mineral water

The main components of the ozone microbubble treated mineral water with 558 mg L-1 CO2 concentration are analyzed in Table 2.



As shown in Table 2, the concentrations of K+ and Na+ were almost unchanged before and after the ozone microbubble treatment, and the concentration of Ca2+ decreased by half. This indicates that the oxidation process of mineral water by ozone microbubbles does not change the amount of ions that are beneficial to the human body. The concentration of Fe was decreased from 0.14 to 0.01 mg L-1, because most of Fe2+ was sufficiently oxidized and precipitated with Fe(OH)3 by ozone microbubbles.


Ozone microbubbles can be used to improve the oxidation of CO2-rich mineral water. The injection of ozone microbubbles into mineral water with CO2 of 3390 mg L-1 did not show a good treatment effect. It is due to the effect of pH on ozone treatment and CO2 dissolved in mineral water.

The separation of CO2 from mineral water and injection of ozone microbubbles enhance the solubility of ozone gas in mineral water. Optimal injection step of ozone microbubbles should be chosen so that the pH value of mineral water is about 7 or above 7. For a residual CO2 of 558 mg L-1, pH value of mineral water is 6.9 and ozone microbubble treatment reduced the deposition time by 1/3 compared to natural oxidation, and the concentration of iron ions decreased from 0.14 mg L-1 before treatment to 0.01 mg L-1 after treatment. At this time, the shelf life increased from 30 to 360 days. This is because the solubility of microbubbles is high and oxidation due to the generation of hydroxyl radicals is improved. Ozone microbubble treatment method for mineral water with high CO2 content can be used for wastewater treatment with high harmful gas content.


The authors warmly thank Prof. I. Y. Kang for kind help.


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Associate Editor handled this article: Eduardo H. S. Sousa

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