Luana da Silva Gomes; Vanessa Nascimento*
The graphical abstract describes the general scheme of addition reactions promoted by electrophilic chalcogenic reagents to alkenes.
Noeli S. M. Silva; Carolina Sotério; Fernanda Canduri; Salete Linhares Queiroz*
Development of media and information literacy of undergraduate students by the means of a WebQuest focusing on Biochemistry and COVID-19.
Charise Dallazem BertolI,II,III,*; Gabriel FelimbertiII; Karini da RosaII; Eliamar Ceresoli RizzonIV; Rafael Nicolay PereiraV; Luiz Carlos KreutzVI; Pedro Eduardo FroelichIII
Isothermal stability was evaluated using TGA and an oven followed by LC-PDA. ALG follows zero-order degradation kinetics. The degraded drug was less toxic than the undegraded one.
Paulo R. de OliveiraI,*; Roberto RittnerII; Palimecio G. Guerrero Jr.I; Patrick R. BatistaII; Gustavo J. CostaIII
Topological analysis by QTAIM molecular graphics, NCI isosurfaces and reduced density gradient graph for cis-3-N-ethylaminocyclohexanol (a, b and c) and cis-3-N,N-diethylaminocyclohexanol (a', b' and c') rotamers.
Daiane Bernardi Machado*; Rafael Augustus de Oliveira
The process to produce the mucilage films started with the harvest of cherry coffee fruits, processing and remotion of the mucilage from the beans. Then, the mucilage was frozen and lyophilized for the production and characterization of the films.
Dionisio BorsatoI,*; Marco A. J. ClementeI; Heloisa H. P. SilvaI; Nathan F. SilvaI; Julia W. CamposI; Eduardo G. de SousaI; Hágata C. SilvaI; Karina B. AngilelliI; Ana C. G. MantovaniII; Rafael G. MantovaniIII
Mathematical modeling of the diffusion in the stationary film during the salting process.
Abel Kolawole OyebamijiI,*; Sunday Adewale AkinteluII; Kehinde Abraham OdeladeIII; Babatunde AdetuyiIII; Emmanuel Temitope AkintayoI,IV; Cecillia Olufunke AkintayoI,V; Banjo SemireVI; Jonathan Oyebamiji BabalolaVII
Observation of the role of ligand in the active site of the receptor resulted into series of interactions which depict the inhibitory ability of the docked ligand toward the studied receptor.
Samuel J. Santos*; Cassiane E. M. Dutra; Luiz A. M. Fontoura*
Hydrogen NMR is an accurate, precise, quick, easy, and powerful tool to detect and quantify alcohol residues in biodiesel.
Mateus V. Pereira; Reverson F. Quero; Dosil P. de Jesus; Juliano A. Bonacin*
In this work, we present a detailed guide for assembling a 3D printer to contribute to the popularization of 3D printing in the field of Chemistry.
Pedro R. M. da Silva; Flávio Schifino; Carla Sirtori; Camila G. Passos; e Nathália M. Simon*
This investigation seeks to analyze the process of elaborating questions produced by undergraduates in the Teaching Program in Chemistry from the reading of chapters of a science communication book.
On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
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