Sinval F. Sousa; Antonio Otavio T. Patrocinio*
The efficient conversion of solar energy into fuels (artificial photosynthesis) through simple systems is one of the great scientific challenges today. The present study shows how the coordination chemistry can be used to generate clean energy from the sun.
Fernanda Tátia Cruz; Dilson Cardoso*
The figure shows the initial formation of the micelle followed by the encapsulation of the monomer and finally its polymerization in the interior of the micelle by UV radiation.
Erika Y. Nakanishi*,I; Ernesto Villar-CociñaII; Sérgio F. SantosI; Michelle S. RodriguesIII; Pedro S. PintoI; Holmer Savastano JuniorI
The analysis evidenced that the chemical treatment was more efficient to remove the potassium oxide. The pozzolanic activity test and the kinetic parameters for the EGAas indicated that this ash is adequate for cement based composite.
Mirela Cristina de Oliveira CordovilI; André Gustavo Ribeiro MendonçaII; Wander Gustavo BoteroIII; Ademir dos SantosI; Julio Cesar RochaI; Kaline de MelloIV; Rogério Hartung ToppaV; Luciana Camargo de OliveiraVI,*
Spatial and chemometric analysis of the distribution of metal species in soils of the Basin Middle Rio Negro, showed that proximity to urban areas is probably a variable that influences the organic matter content and metal species in flooded and non-flooded areas.
Luiz Fernando S. CaldasI, II; Carlos Eduardo R. de PaulaI, III; Daniel M. BrumI; Fábio G. LepriI; Ricardo J. CassellaI,*
Absorbance signals obtained in the copper measurement by GFAAS in the extract obtained from extraction induced by emulsion breaking (A), in the direct introduction of emulsion (B) and in the extract obtained from the re-extraction of the oil (C).
Diego R. S. LimaI; Robson J. C. F. AfonsoI; Marcelo LibânioII; Sérgio F. de AquinoI,*
This paper evidences the low and moderate removal efficiency of emerging microcontaminants by clarification treatment in natural waters with low and high turbidity using aluminum sulfate (SA) and polyaluminium chloride (PAC) as the coagulant.
Caio Rodrigues-Silva; Milena G. Maniero; José Roberto Guimaraes*
Electrochemical and photo-electrochemical processes were used to degrade flumequine in aqueous solution: the drug concentration and the antimicrobial activity were reduced throughout the reaction time, and an intermediate with m/z 244 was identified.
Anna R. C. BragaI; Marceli F. SilvaII; José V. OliveiraIII; Helen TreichelIV; Susana J. KalilI,*
This study assessed the activity of an immobilized enzyme to determine its potential utilization after the immobilization process.
Sayed Zia MohammadiI; Mohammad Ali KarimiI; Sayedeh Nasibeh YazdyI; Tayebeh ShamspurII,*; Hooshang HamidianI
A high-surface area activated carbon was prepared by chemical activation of lemon peel. The maximum adsorption capacity of Malachite green dye and Pb(II) ions were found to be 66.67 and 90.91 mg g-1, respectively, at room temperature.
Carla Felippi Chiella Ruschel*; Chun Te Huang; Dimitrios Samios; Marco Flôres Ferrao#
The exploratory analysis of the spectral data obtained by FTIR-HATR, extracted the information from different chemical blends biodiesel/diesel, allowing to identify the different concentrations, different transesterification routes and raw materials used in the process.
Tatiana G. Pineda-VásquezI; Mabel T. Born e SilvaII; Carlos H. L. SoaresII; Dachamir HotzaI,*
The fungus Fusarium oxysporum was used for the biotransformation of rice husk ash into silica nanoparticles. Glucose concentration, fermentation time and pH have an effect on the production of extracellular enzymes such as β-glucosidase and peroxidase.
Fernanda B. Salgueiro; Aline F. Lira; Victor M. Rumjanek; Rosane N. Castro*
Polyphenol-rich honey extracts prepared with Amberlite XAD-4 polymeric resin were analyzed using HPLC coupled with multivariate statistical analysis to detect possible biomarkers of their floral origin.
Diego R. S. Lima; Bruno E. L. Baeta; Gilmare A. da Silva; Silvana Q. Silva; Sérgio F. Aquino*
In this study, we demonstrate the anaerobic extracellular reduction of an azo dye. Color removal was enhanced by the presence of yeast extract, which is an inexpensive source of the redox mediator riboflavin, and the optimized reductive conditions were established by multivariate experimental design.
Banjo Semire*; Olusegun Ayobami Odunola
The frontier orbital energy of α,α-ditert-butyl-4H-cyclopenta[2,1-b,3;4-b']dithiophene (DBDT) and α,α-ditert-butyl-5H-cyclopenta[2,1-b,3;4-b']dithiophene S-oxide (DBDTO) bridged with CH2, C=S, and C=O revealed that the C=S and C=O bridge destabilized the HOMO, lowering the band gap.
Vanderléia G. MariniI; Silvia M. MartelliI; Clarice F. ZornioI; Thiago CaonII; Cláudia M. O. SimoesII; Gustavo A. MickeI; Marcone A. L. de OliveiraIII; Vanderlei G. MachadoI; Valdir SoldiI,*
Nanoparticles prepared from zein were used for encapsulation and release of terpinen-4-ol, a therapeutic agent for the treatment of melanoma. The optimized system has the potential for use in anti-melanoma therapy considering that it offers sustained delivery.
Augustus Caeser Franke PortellaI,*; Marilda MunaroII; Sergio Donizete AscêncioIII; Chrystian de Assis SiqueiraI; Talita Pereira de Souza FerreiraI; Raimundo Wagner de Souza AguiarI
The essential oil of Siparuna guinansis Aublet, a characteristic plant of the Brazilian cerrado, has medicinal applications and ethnobotany. Infrared spectroscopy is one of the methods used to qualitatively characterize the molecular structure of compounds for the development of new products.
Laura Guerrero; Sebastián Castilla; Martha Cobo*
This paper reviewed the following regarding the steam reforming of ethanol: new catalyst design, catalyst stability and new technologies in the reactor configuration.
Lívian R. Vasconcelos de SáI, II; Magali C. CammarotaIII; Viridiana S. Ferreira-LeitaoI,II,*
The use of renewables for obtaining energy and chemicals is a prerequisite for sustainability and Brazilian agro-industrial wastes are still unexplored, but they open up infinite possibilities, which include the hydrogen production by anaerobic fermentation.
Caio Rodrigues-Silva; Milena G. Maniero; Marcela S. Peres; José Roberto Guimaraes*
A review on the occurrence of quinolones in environmental matrices, the degradation of these compounds by conventional and advanced oxidation processes, including a discussion about intermediates and residual antimicrobial activity, was conducted.
Seyed A. A. SajadiI,*; Ghodsieh BagherzadehII; Marzieh KhaleghianI; Maryam MirbagheriI; Hosein SafaieII
The stability constants of the 1:1 complexes formed between M2+ (M2+: Mn2+, Ni2+, Cu2+, or Cd2+) and BMADA2- (BMADA: 2,2'-(5-bromo-6-methylpyrimidine-2,4 diyl)bis(azanediyl)dipropanoic acid) were determined by potentiometric pH titration in aqueous solution. In the M-BMADA complexes, the M ion is able to form a macrochelate via the pyrimidine group of BMADA.
Danieli Daiani Bandeira; Juliana S. Munaretto; Tiele M. Rizzetti; Giovana Ferronato; Osmar D. Prestes; Manoel L. Martins; Renato Zanella; Martha B. Adaime*
GC-MS/MS and QuEChERS based method were employed to optimise a rapid and easy sample preparation method for the determination of different pesticide residues in milk. This method could be implemented in many laboratories to reduce inspection time and cost.
Judite Scherer Wenzel*,I; Otavio Aloisio MaldanerII
The image shows the interactive process mediated by the language. The people involved in the pedagogical relation interact by the language use, which acts as a mediator in the knowledge meaning process in the classroom.
Flaviana Rodrigues Fintelman Dias; Wanderson Amaral da Silva; Vinícius Rangel Campos; Anna Claudia Cunha; Vitor Francisco Ferreira; Nelson Ângelo de Souza*
The use of percolator is more accurate method than the Siwoloboff's technique for determining the boiling point of organic compounds.
Rafael Cava Mori*; Antonio Aprigio da Silva Curvelo
A paper about Brazilian textbooks of Chemistry from XIX century to 1930. A revision of literature is made, as well as an analysis of some of these prime textbooks.
On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
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