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EDIÇÃO ATUAL vol. 42, No. 10, 2019

Artigo de Capa
Quim. Nova 2019, 42(10), 1123-1124

Elementos químicos estratégicos para o Brasil

Nelson H. MorgonI; Rossimiriam P. de FreitasII



Total access: 676

Artigo Quim. Nova 2019, 42(10), 1125-1145


Origens e consequências da tabela periódica, a mais concisa enciclopédia criada pelo ser humano

Geraldo M. de Lima; Luiz C. A. Barbosa; Carlos A. L. Filgueiras*

A celebration of the sesquicentennial of the Periodic Table of the Elements, from the origins to the 63 elements in Mendeleev's table and its evolution to the present 118-element table.


Publicado online: novembro 4, 2019
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Total access: 5874

Quim. Nova 2019, 42(10), 1146-1153


Ferro - um elemento químico estratégico que permeia história, economia e sociedade

Hélio A. Duarte*

The importance of the steel for the industrial development of a country makes the iron ore extraction strategic. Brazil is one of the largest iron producers in the world and an approach for the sustainable prosperity of the region is required.


Publicado online: novembro 14, 2019
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Total access: 4459

Quim. Nova 2019, 42(10), 1154-1161


Cobre: produção industrial e aplicações

Luciana A. SilvaI,II,#; Mauricio M. VictorI,II; Wilson Araujo LopesI,II; Silvio CunhaI,II,*

The mineral exploration and processing of copper, the structure of the chemical element and its inorganic aspects and uses are described. The importance of the copper element in biological systems and organic reactions are exemplified.


Publicado online: novembro 13, 2019
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Total access: 2823

Quim. Nova 2019, 42(10), 1162-1171


Índio: uma visão científica e tecnológica de um metal estratégico

Ana Paula M. Monteiro*;Antônio Bruno M. de Sousa; Ana Kássia S. Rossetti; Djalma Lucas de S. Maia; Carlos Henrique Z. Martins; Oswaldo L. Alves#

This review presents a general view of the scientific and technological aspects of Indium and the economic importance regarding the evolution of its applications in our way of life.


Publicado online: novembro 21, 2019
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Total access: 2079

Quim. Nova 2019, 42(10), 1172-1183


Manganês no Brasil: descoberta, extração, consumo e comercialização numa perspectiva histórica

Júlio Carlos Afonso*

Manganese: a relevant mineral resource of Brazil from the end of the XIXth century.


Publicado online: novembro 4, 2019
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Total access: 2168

Quim. Nova 2019, 42(10), 1184-1188


Nióbio: um elemento químico estratégico para o Brasil

Carlos G. O. BruziquesiI; Jose Gabriel BalenaI; Márcio César PereiraII; Adilson C. SilvaIII; Luiz C. A. OliveiraI,*

Niobium compounds can be transformed into materials with high added value bringing wealth and reducing Brazil's prowess.


Publicado online: novembro 14, 2019
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Total access: 2385

Quim. Nova 2019, 42(10), 1189-1198


Estanho: um metal estratégico ontem e hoje

Geraldo M. de Lima*

Tin has found applications in the most diverse human activities and in different eras. Its strategic significance is suported by archaeological, historical and technological evidences.


Publicado online: novembro 14, 2019
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Total access: 1883

Quim. Nova 2019, 42(10), 1199-1207


Npk: essentials for sustainability

Fernando GalembeckI,*; André GalembeckII; Leandra P. dos SantosI

A promising strategy towards a more sustainable economy is to increase the synergy between the uses of biomass for food, energy and industrial raw materials production. This depends critically on higher productivity brought by NPK fertilizers.


Publicado online: novembro 14, 2019
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Total access: 2889

Quim. Nova 2019, 42(10), 1208-1224


Terras raras: tabela periódica, descobrimento, exploração no brasil e aplicações

Paulo C. de Sousa FilhoI,*; Ayla R. B.S. GalaçoII; Osvaldo A. SerraII,*

We provide a short discussion about the historical path of the rare earths in the Periodic Table and exploration of these resources in Brazil, detailing some of the extractive activities since the 19th century and some prospects for the use of these elements in different fields.


Publicado online: novembro 13, 2019
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Total access: 4125

Quim. Nova 2019, 42(10), 1225-1231


Algumas estruturas do carbono elementar e sua importância para o desenvolvimento e soberania do Brasil

Aldo J. G. Zarbin*; Elisa S. Orth

The paper highlights the importance of four sp2-based elemental carbon structures, namely graphite, carbon black, carbon nanotubes and graphene, in the economical, industrial and scientific sovereignty of Brazil.


Publicado online: novembro 12, 2019
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Total access: 2535

On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
Química Nova
Publicações da Sociedade Brasileira de Química
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