3:56, ter fev 18

Acesso Aberto/TP

vol. 39, No. 2, 2016

Artigo de Capa
Quim. Nova 2016, 39(2), 194-209

Amazon rainforest cosmetics: chemical approach for quality control

Mariko FunasakiI,II,*; Hileia dos Santos BarrosoIII; Valdelira Lia Araújo FernandesII; Ingrid Sabino MenezesIV

Chemical aspects of fourteen species from Amazon rainforest used in cosmetics were reviewed for the purpose of quality control.


Publicado online: janeiro 22, 2016

Total access: 2613

Editorial Quim. Nova 2016, 39(2), 123


Novo modelo de financiamento para as publicações da SBQ

Diretoria, Conselho Consultivo e PubliSBQ



Total access: 1297

Artigo Quim. Nova 2016, 39(2), 124-129


Obtenção de compósitos híbridos baseados em hidrogéis e cimento portland

Jefferson C. dos SantosI; Mauro M. TashimaI; Marcia R. de MouraII; Fauze A. AouadaII,*

The presence of cement improves the mechanical property of hydrogel, and no phase separation between hydrogel and cement was detected.


Publicado online: janeiro 22, 2016
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Total access: 2955

Quim. Nova 2016, 39(2), 130-136


Estiril-lactonas de Cryptocarya aschersoniana Mez. (Lauraceae Juss.) com atividade contra Meloidogyne spp. e interação in silico com provável fumarase de Meloidogyne hapla

Viviane A. C. CamposI; Alan R. T. MachadoI; Willian J. R. SilvaI; Karina C. LopesI; Willian C. TerraII; Vicente P. CamposII; Denilson F. OliveiraI,*

A bioguided fractionation of the extract from Cryptocarya aschersoniana resulted in the isolation of two active substances against root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.). According to an in silico study one of these substances inhibits the fumarate hydratase of these plant pathogens.


Publicado online: fevereiro 5, 2016
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Total access: 3397

Quim. Nova 2016, 39(2), 137-145


MCR-ALS aplicado no monitoramento quantitativo do processo de eletrodegradação da atrazina usando espectros UV: resultados comparativos com HPLC-DAD como um método de referência

Thálisson S. SouzaI; Hudson G. ZaninII; Alfredo PeterlevitzII; Vitor BaranauskasII; Gilmare A. da SilvaIII; César ReisI; Efraim L. ReisI; Reinaldo F. TeófiloI,*

The electrodegradation of atrazine in water was performed using boron-doped diamond. The degradation was monitored by liquid chromatography and UV spectroscopy with multivariate curve resolution. The results were compared between the two methods.


Publicado online: janeiro 22, 2016
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Total access: 1780

Quim. Nova 2016, 39(2), 146-155


Eletrodos de FTO modificados por eletrodeposição direta de ouro: produção, caracterização e aplicação como sensor eletroquímico

Rogério de Oliveira*; Fabio Luiz Pissetti; Alzira M. S. Lucho

Gold electrodeposition on FTO by cyclic voltammetry and the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy study showing the lowest impedance values for FTO with 100 scans of electrodeposition and the respective simulated electric circuit.


Publicado online: fevereiro 5, 2016
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Total access: 2355

Quim. Nova 2016, 39(2), 156-159


Novel alkaloid from Rauvolfia capixabae (Apocynaceae)

Lanamar Almeida CarlosI,*; Leda MathiasII; Raimundo Braz-FilhoII; Ivo Jose Curcino VieiraII

Chemical structure of the novel sarpagine-type alkaloid, Na-methylrauflorine (1), isolated from Rauvolfia capixabae (Apocynaceae).


Publicado online: janeiro 14, 2016
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Total access: 2358

Quim. Nova 2016, 39(2), 160-166


Application of parafac and OPLS-DA analyses on hplc fingerprints for the characterization of Hibiscus sabdariffa calyxes

Freddy A. Bernal; Luisa L. Orduz-Díaz; Ericsson Coy-Barrera*

HPLC-UV-DAD profiles of Hibiscus sabdariffa extracts were submitted to data mining by Parallel Factor model (PARAFAC) and the corresponding 3D-profile information could be discriminated by means of OPLS-DA.


Publicado online: janeiro 22, 2016
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Total access: 1579

Quim. Nova 2016, 39(2), 167-171


A novel method for the determination of trace thorium by dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction based on solidification of floating organic drop

Mohammad RezaeeI,*; Faezeh KhalilianII

In this study, dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction based on the solidification of floating organic droplets was used for the preconcentration and determination of thorium in the water samples.


Publicado online: fevereiro 5, 2016
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Total access: 1419

Quim. Nova 2016, 39(2), 172-179


Tratamento da vinhaça por adsorção em carvão de bagaço de cana-de-açúcar

Fernanda L. SeixasI,II,*; Marcelino L. GimenesI; Nádia R. C. Fernandes-MachadoI

Vinasse adsorption diagram in two stages.


Publicado online: fevereiro 5, 2016
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Total access: 2718

Quim. Nova 2016, 39(2), 180-188


Avaliação da bioacumulação de metais em Cyprinus carpio pela interação com sedimento e água de reservatório

Carmen Lúcia Voigt*; Cleber Pinto da Silva; Sandro Xavier de Campos

Bioaccumulation is one of the most important processes among the various consequences of the presence of metals in the reservoirs; metals can accumulate in fish organs by exposure to contaminated sediment and water.


Publicado online: fevereiro 5, 2016
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Total access: 2606

Quim. Nova 2016, 39(2), 189-193


Composição química das cascas das raízes e flores de Poincianella pyramidalis (Fabaceae)

José Cândido S. de OliveiraI; Jorge M. DavidI,*; Juceni P. DavidII

The chemical studies of root and flower extracts resulted in isolation of 3'-dimethylellagic acid and 3,3'-dimethylellagic acid-4'-O-β-D-xyloside, terpenes, fatty acid methyl derivates and fatty alcohols.


Publicado online: fevereiro 5, 2016
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Total access: 2495

Revisão Quim. Nova 2016, 39(2), 210-220


Cromatografia por interações hidrofilicas (HILIC): estado da arte e aplicações

Carla Grazieli Azevedo da Silva*; Carla Beatriz Grespan Bottoli; Carol H. Collins

Hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC) is an effective technique for the separation of polar compounds, with separation properties complementary to reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC), while eliminating some of the disadvantages of normal-phase high performance liquid chromatography (NP-HPLC).


Publicado online: janeiro 14, 2016
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Total access: 2935

Nota Técnica Quim. Nova 2016, 39(2), 221-228


Uso do planejamento experimental para otimização de um procedimento voltamétrico para determinação simultânea das concentrações dos metais Zn, Cd, Pb e Cu livres em água de coco

Thalles R. Rosa*; José Guilherme A. Rodrigues; Rafael de Q. Ferreira

This study employed a factorial design and center composite design in the optimization of the main experimental parameters of SWASV (square-wave anodic stripping voltammetry) for the simultaneous determination of metals Zn, Cd, Pb and Cu free in coconut water.


Publicado online: janeiro 14, 2016
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Total access: 2150

Quim. Nova 2016, 39(2), 229-237


2-(4-iodo-2,5-dimetoxifenil)-n-[(2-metoxifenil)metil]etamina ou 25i-nbome: caracterização química de uma designer drug

Pâmella F. dos SantosI; Lindamara M. SouzaII; Bianca B. MerloIII; Helber B. CostaII; Lilian V. ToseII; Heloá SantosII; Gabriela VaniniII; Leandro F. MachadoIV; Rafael S. OrtizV; Renata P. LimbergerVI; Boniek G. VazVII; Wanderson RomaoI,II,*

The chemical profile of a new designer drug, 2-(4-iodine-2,5-dimethoxyphenyl)-n-(2-methoxyphenyl)methyl]etamine or 25I-NBOMe, was explored using TLC, UV-Vis, ATR-FTIR, GC-MS and ESI-FT-ICR MS.


Publicado online: novembro 25, 2015
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Total access: 3957

Educação Quim. Nova 2016, 39(2), 238-244


Blogs no ensino de química: análise de comentários publicados em disciplina de comunicação científica

Mario Roberto Barro; Lea Veras; Salete Linhares Queiroz*

Development and integration of blogs in undergraduate chemistry teaching.


Publicado online: novembro 25, 2015
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Total access: 1910

Quim. Nova 2016, 39(2), 245-249


Proposta experimental didática para o ensino de análise de componentes principais

Leonardo Valderrama; Vassula Belinato Paiva; Paulo Henrique Março; Patrícia Valderrama*

An experiment to teach principal component analysis (PCA) is proposed based on the extraction of anthocyanins from red cabbage and measurement of the UV-Vis spectra in buffer solutions with pH 1.89-12.01.


Publicado online: outubro 26, 2015
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Total access: 3450

Quim. Nova 2016, 39(2), 250-259


Conhecimento pedagógico e conhecimento químico na formação de professores: a construção da identidade docente

Karla F. Dias CassianoI,*; Nyuara A. da Silva MesquitaII; Pabline Galvao RibeiroI

This study describes the construction of the teaching identity of chemistry teachers training at the Federal Institute of Goiás, Brazil, and focuses on the existing tensions between pedagogical and chemical knowledge.


Publicado online: outubro 26, 2015
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Total access: 2722

On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
Química Nova
Publicações da Sociedade Brasileira de Química
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