Gracielle Oliveira Sabbag CunhaI; Andreia Pereira MatosII; Antonio Rogerio BernardoII; Antonio Carlos Severo MenezesI; Marcela Carmen de Melo BurgerI; Paulo Cezar VieiraII; Moacir Rossi ForimII; João Batista FernandesII,*; Maria Fatima das Graças Fernandes da SilvaII
Flavonoids, triterpenes and steroids were isolated from Miconia ferruginata. The leaf extracts showed insecticidal effects.
Li-Jie HouI,*; Bo-Wan WuI; Yan-Xia HanI; Chao KongI; Li-Guo GaoII
The channel of H-atom in HNCS direct extraction to OH- (OH-+HNCS→IM1→TS3→ IM3→SCN- +H2O) in singlet state was the main channel.
Guozheng ZhaoI,II; Xilin YanIII,*
First of all, TKX-50 is rearranged in the crystal and the improvement of the molecular planarity occurs. Next, structural transformation appears with the distortion of the tetrazole rings. Finally, the rotation of molecular conformation occurs.
Bárbara D. L. FerreiraI; Virgínia R. SilvaII; Bruna Berger JacobsemI; Maria Irene YoshidaI; Rita C. O. SebastiaoI,*
Thermal analysis data of two Rigid Polyurethane Foam samples: loaded with (Al2O3) and no inorganic filler are modeled by neural network supporting physical correlation.
Mariana A. Vieira*; Carolina Maria R. Frasson; Tainara Luiza G. Costa; Daniel F. Cipriano; Miguel A. Schettino Jr.; Alfredo G. Cunha; Jair C. C. Freitas
Graphite precursors with distinct particle sizes (as seen in SEM imagens) led to the production of graphite oxides with distinct degrees of oxidation (as seen in 13C NMR spectra).
Huatao Wu*; Yongjun Han; Li Wang; Lihui Zhang; Xiang Wang
The composite electrode material of manganese oxide supported on poly glucose (PGS) was prepared by using KMnO4 as manganese source. The composition of the composite electrode materials relies on the weight ratio of KMnO4/PGS.
Weberson Pereira Silva; Luiz André Juvêncio Silva; Rodrigo Alejandro Abarza Muñoz; Eduardo Mathias Richter*
Use of batch injection analysis with multiple pulse amperometric detection (BIA-MPA) for simultaneous determination of propyphenazone (PRO), paracetamol (PAR), and caffeine (CAF).
Diana Kelly C. de AlmeidaI; Marcos R. da SilvaI; Maria Conceiçao F. de OliveiraI; Jair MafezoliI; Marcos C. de MattosI; Andréa F. MouraII; Manoel O. Moraes FilhoII; Francisco G. Barbosa*,I
Semisynthetic derivatives of a benzylisothiocyanate isolated from Moringa oleifera were produced and evaluated for cytotoxic activity.
José Paulo PinheiroI,*; Adnívia Santos Costa MonteiroII,III; Noemie JanotI; Bert Jan GroenenbergI; André Henrique RosaII,#
The figure shows an example of a potentiometric titratíon of humic matter at different íonic strenghts with master curve and NICA-Donnan modelling. Inset: solutions of aquatic fulvic acid, aquatic humic acid and peat humic acid after titration.
Fernanda C. O. L. MartinsI; Diego L. FrancoI; Rodrigo A. A. MuñozII; Djenaine De SouzaI,*
Spectrometric, chromatographic and electroanalytical methods in the quantification of organic and inorganic compounds containing Se in food, biological and natural water samples.
Crislaine SandriI; Maria Victória KriegerI; Wallison Chaves CostaII; Arleide Rosa da SilvaI; Ivan Helmuth BechtoldII; Lizandra Maria ZimmermannI,*
This picture shows the fluorescence emission of the environmentally friendly zinc oxide quantum dots, being related to its size and some of its main applications.
Mariana Barbosa André de SouzaI; Klaiani Bez FontanaI; Caroline GonçalvesII,*; Eduardo Sidinei ChavesI,*
Atomic absorption spectrometer for metformin and ranitidine hydrochlorides determinations in medicines via molecular absorption.
Pedro A. F. Souza; Karen C. A. Francisco; Arnaldo A. Cardoso*
A new passive sampler for measurement of ambient NO2 was developed (A) using parts of 50 mL conical centrifuge tubes (B), Teflon tape (C) and black insulant tape (D).
Jorge F. Xool-TamayoI,II; Manlio Graniel-SabidoI; Gumersindo Mirón-LópezI; Gonzalo J. Mena-RejónI; Miriam Monforte-GonzálezII; Felipe Vázquez FlotaII,*
The three main alkaloids of Argemone mexicana plants were separated in a single chromatographic run using an incremental gradient of acetonitrile in 1% acetic acid in water.
Davidson Passos Mendes; Carla Junia Santos; César Augusto Ribeiro; Fabiana Costa Guedes; Wanderlin Fernandes Duarte; Daniel Crístian Ferreira Soares*
The competencies developed in Medicinal Chemistry can be considered as an engine, where the gears are related to professional, scientific and docent development.
Silvio CunhaI,II,*; Jamille Silveira MatosI,II
Cachaça was applied for the first time as solvent in undergraduate experiments of benzalacetophenone and dibenzalacetone syntheses, and natural pigment of urucum (Bixa orellana L.) was obtained using as extractor solvent a 5% NaOH solution in cachaça.
Felipe S. Carvalho; Joao P. Braga*
A table with the calculated electronic energies and the surfaces for some Hylleraas basis functions.
On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
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