Vitor S. C. de Andrade; Marcio C. S. de Mattos*
Representative examples of telescoped synthesis involving preparation of heterocyclic compounds, cross-coupling and continuous flow reactions.
Murilo de O. SouzaI,II; Hellen G. VieiraI; Benigno SánchezIII; Maria C. CanelaI,*
Ana Maria Pinto dos SantosI,*; Liz Oliveira dos SantosI,II; Lorena de Souza SantosI; Emmanuelle Ferreira Requião SilvaI; João Honorato Santos NetoI; Geovani Cardoso BrandãoIII
A sample decomposition procedure in digester block using HNO3, H2O2 and H2SO4 mixture was optimized by experimental design techniques and multiple response function to determine the mineral composition of almond pulp by Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP OES).
Thaís Lindenberg R. SilvaI; Maria Eliana L. R. de QueirozI,*; Antônio A. NevesI; Patrícia Aparecida F. VieiraII; André F. de OliveiraI; Maria Goreti de A. OliveiraIII
Rochele Ferreira Silva Diniz; Thais Aline Prado Mendonça; Raquel Aparecida Domingues#; Maraísa Gonçalves*
Carina C. J. AzevedoI; Marcia K. KasaharaII; Cassiana C. MontagnerI,II,*
Renata P. NevesI,II; Erika S. Bronze-UhleIII; Pâmela L. SantosIV; Paulo N. Lisboa-FilhoV; Aroldo G. MagdalenaI,*
The incorporation of SA in the Fe3O4-BSA was confirmed with the fluorescence graph, and the controlled release of SA is shown in the graph of cumulative concentration and mass and the percentage of mass release as function of time.
Tamiris R. C. Silva; Cristiano Raminelli*
We chronologically present the total and formal syntheses of lysergic acid, an ergolinic alkaloid that is a precursor of substances with pronounced pharmacological properties, separating them into racemic and chiral/asymmetric syntheses.
Fabio S. Bazilio*; Cristiane B. Silva; Lísia M. G. dos Santos; Santos A. Vicentini Neto; Silvana do C. Jacob; Shirley de M. P. Abrantes
The figure represents a schematic sequence for the detection and quantification of silver nanoparticles by mass spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma performed in single particle mode (spICP-MS).
Felipe Ferri HilárioI; Jeyne Pricylla CastroI; Tomas Edson BarrosII; Edenir Rodrigues Pereira-FilhoI,II,*
Mixture design: identification of optimal condition.
Márcia Gorette L. Silva*; Fernanda M. Mazzé; Jonathan A. F. Silva; Dayana M. Souza; Maria da Guia da S. Medeiros
The image seeks to relate the cognitive operations that emerge form students when carrying out activities in chemistry. From this relationship we seek to categorize in terms of cognitive level of difficult.
Guilherme Balestiero da Silva; Carolina Sotério; Salete Linhares Queiroz*
The comic strip as an innovative teaching methodology in chemistry higher education.
Catarina M. A. Bruno; Márcia R. Almeida*
Use of natural raw materials of interest to the cosmetics industry for the production of bioproducts in experimental organic chemistry classes.
Ricardo Dagnoni HuelsmannI; Lucas Ribeiro de LaiaII; Eduardo CarasekI,*
Have you ever thought of a classic by scientists, a meeting of the greatest minds that leveraged Chemistry? What if it was within the four lines of the football field? In this fun strategy, this is possible, scaling the most important chemists/scientists in history to your ideal team.
On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
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