15:42, ter fev 11

Acesso Aberto/TP

vol. 38, No. 3, 2015

Artigo de Capa
Quim. Nova 2015, 38(3), 370-377

Novel superabsorbent hydrogel composite based on poly(acrylamide-co-acrylate)/nontronite: characterization and swelling performance

Renan C. F. LeitaoI; Cícero P. de MouraII; Lindomar R. D. da SilvaIII; Nágila M. P. S. RicardoIII; Judith P. A. FeitosaIII; Edvani C. MunizIV; André R. FajardoIV,V,*; Francisco H. A. RodriguesI,IV

A novel superabsorbent hydrogel composite based on a poly(acrylamide-coacrylate) matrix filled with nontronite with highly attractive swelling properties and potential uses in agriculture was designed and characterized in this manuscript.


Publicado online: fevereiro 11, 2015

Total access: 3061

Editorial Quim. Nova 2015, 38(3), 297


Integridade científica: compromisso da SBQ

Angelo C. Pinto



Total access: 1511

Artigo Quim. Nova 2015, 38(3), 298-302


A new homogeneous electrocatalyst for electrochemical carbonylation of methanol to dimethyl carbonate

Xiaoyan Wang; Gan Jia; Yuting Yu, Yanfang Gao*; Wen Zhang; Hong Wang; Zhenzhu Cao; Jinrong Liu

Dimethyl carbonate (DMC) is viewed as an environmentally benign intermediate because of its negligible eco-toxicity and its versatile chemical applications. In this paper, a novel homogeneous electrocatalyst based on Cu(Phen)Cl2 was used for electrocatalytic oxidative carbonylation of methanol to DMC.


Publicado online: janeiro 16, 2015
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Total access: 1990

Quim. Nova 2015, 38(3), 303-308


Microwave activation of immobilized lipase for transesterification of vegetable oils

Monna Lisa B. QueirozI; Rachel Freire BoaventuraI; Micael Nunes MeloI; Heiddy M. AlvarezII; Cleide M. F. SoaresI; Alvaro S. LimaI; Montserrat F. HerediaI; Cláudio DarivaI; Alini T. FricksI,*

Complete transesterification of soybean oil catalyzed by Novozyme 435 under microwave.


Publicado online: março 5, 2015
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Total access: 1720

Quim. Nova 2015, 38(3), 309-315


Trihalometanos em água potável e riscos de câncer: simulação usando potencial de interação e transformações de Bäcklund

Benjamim H. de Lima SilvaI,*; Marcos A. Bezerra de MeloII

A simulation between trichloromethane and alanine was performed investigating amino acid changes that may arise in protein and possibly induce the formation of cancer.


Publicado online: fevereiro 11, 2015
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Total access: 2668

Quim. Nova 2015, 38(3), 316-320


Análises físico-químicas de biofilmes de sulfato de condroitoina modificado

Élcio J. BunhakI,*; Elisabete S. MendesI; Nehemias C. PereiraII; Edgardo A. G. PinedaIII; Ana A. W. HechenleitnerIII; Osvaldo A. CavalcantiIV

The physicochemical and surface analyses of free films are important tools for research and the development of new materials for coating of solid dosage forms to control drug delivery.


Publicado online: fevereiro 3, 2005
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Total access: 2603

Quim. Nova 2015, 38(3), 321-327


Desenvolvimento de materiais híbridos micro-mesoporosos do tipo ZSM-12/MCM-41

Joselaine C. SantanaI; Sanny W. M. MachadoI; Marcelo J. B. SouzaII; Anne M. Garrido PedrosaI,*

The figure shows that the parameters total area, crystallite size of the microporous phase and the mesoporous parameter value are dependent on the alkaline treatment carried out on different hybrid materials and indicate the different contributions of micro- and mesoporosity in these materials.


Publicado online: fevereiro 11, 2015
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Total access: 1939

Quim. Nova 2015, 38(3), 328-332


Composição química e temperatura de cristalização de ésteres obtidos de quatro óleos vegetais extraídos de sementes de plantas do cerrado

Luciane PierezanI; Márcia Regina Pereira CabralI; Deluana Martins NetoI; Jusinei Meireles StropaI,II; Lincoln Carlos Silva de OliveiraII; Dilamara Riva ScharfIII; Edésio Luiz SimionattoIII; Rogério César de Lara da SilvaI; Euclésio SimionattoI,*

Chemical composition and thermal behavior was reviewed in mixtures of four esters obtained from vegetable oils.


Publicado online: fevereiro 3, 2003
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Total access: 2286

Quim. Nova 2015, 38(3), 333-341


Triagem metabólica por PKS e NRPS em actinobactérias endofíticas de Citrus reticulata

Pedro L. R. da CruzI; Leila R. GiarolaII; Suellen da Silva MoraesI; Déborah Ellen S. G. da SilvaI; Joelma MarconIII; Joao L. AzevedoIII; Welington L. AraújoIV; Luciana G. de OliveiraIII,*

A molecular fingerprint approach was employed to evaluate the biosynthetic potential of endophytic actinobacteria from Citrus reticulata in the production of PKs and NRPs metabolites.


Publicado online: fevereiro 11, 2015
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Total access: 2708

Quim. Nova 2015, 38(3), 342-350


Vis-NIR spectrometry, soil phosphate extraction methods and interactions of soil attributes

José Francirlei de OliveiraI; Michel BrossardII; Edemar Joaquim CorazzaIII; Robélio Leandro MarchaoIV; Pedro Rodolfo Siqueira VendrameV; Osmar Rodrigues BritoI; Maria de Fátima GuimaraesI,*

Understanding the interrelations between P content, extraction method and their effect on prediction by Vis-Nir spectroscopy.


Publicado online: fevereiro 11, 2015
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Total access: 2126

Quim. Nova 2015, 38(3), 351-355


Uso da RMN de baixa resolução na avaliação da dinâmica molecular do Origanum vulgare

Vanessa Cristina dos Santos Peixoto de Oliveira*; Maria Inês Bruno Tavares; Eduardo Miguez Bastos da Silva; Bianca Natividade Barreto de Lima; Roberto Pinto Cucinelli Neto

The evaluation of thermal treatment of Origanum vulgare using the domain curves of proton spin-lattice relaxation time, which discloses the structural changes or degradation process occurring in the sample when it is submitted to thermal treatment.


Publicado online: março 3, 2015
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Total access: 1792

Quim. Nova 2015, 38(3), 356-363


Dispositivos DGT modificados com materiais alternativos para uso na especiação de elementos traço

Cristiano L. ChostakI,II; Mônica S. de CamposI; Simone B. da SilvaI; Gilberto AbateI; Marco T. GrassiI,*

Alternative DGT devices prepared using montmorillonite MT-K10 as the ligand phase and agarose as the diffusive phase, for the speciation of trace metals in natural waters.


Publicado online: março 3, 2015
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Total access: 1628

Quim. Nova 2015, 38(3), 364-369


Estudo da imobilização de lipase em sílica obtida pela técnica sol-gel

Aline Matuella Moreira Ficanha; Nádia Ligianara D. Nyari; Katarine Levandoski; Marcelo Luis Mignoni*; Rogério Marcos Dallago

Matrix sol-gel production created by partial hydrolysis of the precursor (TEOS) results in an oligomer. This is completely hydrolyzed and forms a colloidal dispersion (sol) which upon addition of the enzyme starts the process of polycondensation. The end of the process results in an immobilized enzyme.


Publicado online: fevereiro 3, 2005
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Total access: 1716

Quim. Nova 2015, 38(3), 378-386


Chemical composition variability in the Uncaria tomentosa (cat's claw) wild population

Evelyn Maribel Condori Peñaloza#; Samuel Kaiser#; Pedro Ernesto de Resende#; Vanessa Pittol#; Anderson Ramos Carvalho#; George González Ortega#,*

No clear correlation between chemical composition and geographic origin, altitude or season of collection was found. Nevertheless, three chemotypes were distinguished based on the oxindole alkaloid profile of the cat's claw samples.


Publicado online: fevereiro 11, 2015
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Total access: 2319

Quim. Nova 2015, 38(3), 387-392


Carboxylation of silver nanoparticles for the immobilization of β-galactosidase and its efficacy in galacto-oligosaccharides production

Shakeel Ahmed AnsariI,*; Rukhsana SatarII; Syed Kashif ZaidiI

Attachment of β-galactosidase on carboxylated AgNPs.


Publicado online: fevereiro 11, 2015
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Total access: 1701

Revisão Quim. Nova 2015, 38(3), 393-398


Aplicação de óxidos de ferro nanoestruturados como adsorventes e fotocatalisadores na remoção de poluentes de águas residuais

Marcela Fernandes SilvaI,*; Edgardo Alfonso Gómez PinedaII; Rosangela BergamascoI

The use of iron oxides as adsorbent and photocatalyst for the removal or degradation of pollutants has proved a promising approach. The separation and reuse of iron oxides is very simple, effective and economical while also being more environmentally friendly.


Publicado online: dezembro 12, 2014
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Total access: 3654

Quim. Nova 2015, 38(3), 399-409


Uso de sílicas modificadas para imobilização de lipases

Nayara B. Carvalho; Alvaro S. Lima; Cleide M. F. Soares*

Strategies for surface modification of supports using different additives for lipase immobilization in order to replace conventional immobilization methods and improve biocatalyst efficiency.


Publicado online: novembro 13, 2014
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Total access: 2484

Quim. Nova 2015, 38(3), 410-418


Metodologias de coleta, preservação e armazenamento de amostras de água para análise de mercúrio - uma revisão

Daniele KasperI,*; Bruce R. ForsbergI; Ronaldo de AlmeidaII; Wanderley R. BastosIII; Olaf MalmIV

Analysis of mercury in water is a challenge because of its low levels. Sample preservation methods and protocols that avoid contamination are discussed for the most commonly evaluated mercury species.


Publicado online: março 3, 2015
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Total access: 2551

Nota Técnica Quim. Nova 2015, 38(3), 419-426


Validação intralaboratorial da determinação de metiltestosterona em águas naturais por voltametria usando eletrodo de gota pendente de mercúrio

Luciane Miranda*; Maria L. Felsner; Yohandra R. Torres; Ivonete Hoss; Andressa Galli; Sueli P. Quináia

This study presents the in-house validation of a new voltammetric methodology for 17α-MT analysis in natural water. The methodology exhibited selectivity, linearity, accuracy and precision.


Publicado online: fevereiro 11, 2015
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Total access: 1761

Quim. Nova 2015, 38(3), 427-430


HS-SPME-GC-MS analysis of volatile and semi-volatile compounds from dried leaves of Mikania glomerata Sprengel

Esmeraldo A. Cappelaro; Janete H. Yariwake*

This paper describes the identification of volatile and semi-volatile compounds and a comparison of the HS-SPME-GC-MS chromatographic profiles of dried leaves of Mikania glomerata Sprengel (Asteraceae), also known in Brazil as "guaco".


Publicado online: janeiro 16, 2015
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Total access: 1705

Quim. Nova 2015, 38(3), 431-435


Considerações técnicas quanto ao uso da voltametria de varredura escalonada em processos adsortivos

Khallil Hassan Ahmad Ali FernandesI; Joao Paulo Tenório da Silva SantosII; Vinicius Del ColleII; Janaina Souza-GarciaI; Camilo Andrea AngelucciI,*

Cyclic voltammogram profile of platinum in acid media obtained by Staircase Sweep Voltammetry (SCV). The data displays the current recorded at different periods during each step comprising the SCV signal.


Publicado online: dezembro 19, 2014
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Total access: 2894

Educação Quim. Nova 2015, 38(3), 436-445


Química verdadeiramente verde - propriedades químicas do cloro e sua ilustração por experimentos em escala miniaturizada

Martin Wallau*; Daniela Bianchini; Camila Porto Ebersol; José Augusto dos Santos Júnior; Thiago Marques Barboza

Chlorine, the only element which appears greenish, is presented as one of the fundamental but also most criticised industrially used chemicals. By miniaturised experiments, chlorine's applications and properties can be easily demonstrated.


Publicado online: dezembro 12, 2014
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Total access: 3529

Quim. Nova 2015, 38(3), 446-450


Una propuesta para enseñar el efecto de la forma de las moléculas en la reactividad química

José G. Cermeños-EstradaI; John J. Pérez-MoncadaI; Daniel BarragánI,II,*

Steric effects or steric hindrance can be explained to freshman students clearly by using correlations between properties of molecules and the energy barrier height of series of SN2 reactions.


Publicado online: fevereiro 11, 2015
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Total access: 1678

Quim. Nova 2015, 38(3), 451-458


O uso de um sensor de luz linear como recurso didático para demonstrar princípios de difração e espectroscopia

Fernando Arruda Mendes de OliveiraI,II; Eduardo Ribeiro de AzevedoI,*; Luiz Antonio de Oliveira NunesI

Picture of the light intensity acquisition apparatus developed including: the electronic control circuit, linear diode array and software graphics interface with a Hg lamp spectrum displayed.


Publicado online: março 3, 2015
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Total access: 2907

On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
Química Nova
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