Joshua K. StanfieldI; Kazuto SuzukiI; Kai YonemuraI; Talita MalewschikI,II; Osami ShojiI,*
Cytochrome P450BM3 is a highly selective enzyme that, barring extensive engineering, will not hydroxylate non-native substrates, such as benzene. However, upon the simple addition of a native substrate mimic (decoy molecule), P450BM3 can be "tricked" into hydroxylating non-native substrates.
João Victor de Sousa Araujo; Rejane Maria Pereira da Silva; Rafael Emil Klumpp; Isolda Costa*
Aluminum anodizing process and the formation of the anodized layer as a function of time.
Deborah Thais Palma ScanferlaI; Jessica Yuri SakuradaI; Luís Otávio de OliveiraI; Renata Sano LiniI; Raul Gomes AgueraI; Mariana Aparecida Oliveira MadiaI; Paula Pessoa MoreiraI; Jessica Cristina Zoratto RomoliII; Érika BandoII; Miguel Machinski JuniorII; Camila MarchioniIII; Simone Aparecida Galerani MossiniII,*
Heng Peng; Hua-Yi Hou; Xiang-Bai Chen*
The experimental and calculated Raman spectra of α-linolenic acid are in excellent agreement in the whole spectral range of 100-3500 cm-1, and a complete vibrational modes assignment of the experimentally observed Raman peaks can be obtained basing on the DFT calculation.
Fernanda G. Morro; Danielle C. Schnitzler*
The Graphical Abstract represents two cultivation systems, the conventional and the agroecological, which are located close to each other. Due to the application of agrochemicals in the conventional system, it is possible that they will move between environmental interfaces.
Ilana Marin Suppi*; Mari Lucia Campos; David Jose Miquelluti; Matheus Rodrigo Machado
The analysis of vanadium, molybdenum, and antimony contents in soils without anthropic contamination of Santa Catarina state has demonstrated of these levels can be related with source material, as well with physicochemical attributes of soils.
Andréia G. A. Silva; Rodrigo de A. Moreira; Renato Pinto de Sousa; Evaldo dos S. M. Filho; Marcia D. A. Veras; Mariana Helena Chaves; Sâmya D. L. Freitas*
The chemical study of the branches of Platonia insignis enabled the isolation of the biflavonoid morelloflavone and the identification of over 9 polyphenols. In vitro biological tests of solar photoprotection and antiradical activities against the crude extract and Hex and AcOEt fractions showed relevant results, which confirm the high pharmaceutical potential of the species.
Gelson T. S. T. da SilvaI; Osmando F. LopesII; Eduardo H. DiasI,III; Juliana A. TorresI; André E. NogueiraIV; Leandro A. FaustinoII; Fernando S. PradoII; Antônio O. T. PatrocínioII,*; Caue RibeiroI,#
The image shows the use of electrical and light-activated catalysts, as well as the combinate energy in the process for CO2 reduction into some liquid and gas products.
Daniele C. MenezesI; Geraldo M. de LimaII,*
Dithiocarbamates (DTC) are ligands well explored in coordination chemistry. A number of works also report how some biologic processes behave in the presence of DTC-bearing complexes. These studies show that DTCs deactivate important enzymes.
Tiago Bueno Moraes*
Applying Inverse Laplace Transform (ILT) to process a Time-Domain NMR signal for the obtention of the distribution of relaxation times.
Douglas A. CastroI; Mateus P. S. MilhomemI; Douglas H. PereiraI,*; Paulo V. B. LealII
Gurupi Isotherms Plot (GIP) is a new free software, has a friendly graphical interface and that uses the minimum squares and Newton method to calculate adsorption isotherm parameters with precision and fast performance.
Gabriela dos Santos RodriguesI; Júnior A. AvelinoI; Ariane L. N. SiqueiraI; Luciana F. P. RamosII; Gabriela B. dos SantosI,*
Bruno Matos Paz*; Emilio C. de Lucca Júnior; Ronaldo A. Pilli
Ubiquitous in Nature, symmetry is a pervasive concept as it encompasses creativity in Arts and Science. The GA illustrates a C2-symmetric musical piece, known as Der Spiegel, designed to be played simultaneously by two violinists, one facing each other, and both reading from the same score but from opposite sides with one starting from the beginning and the other from the end resulting in a coherent play. Taking the planning of a synthesis as a parallel to the process of composing a symphony, the recognition of symmetry in a target can be seen as the synthetic equivalent to writing a mirrored music score.
José Nunes da Silva JúniorI,*; José Mariano de Sousa OliveiraI; Francisco Serra Oliveira AlexandreII; Antonio José Mello Leite JuniorIII
The paper analyzes fifteen organic chemistry textbooks commonly used in Brazilian universities to examine intermolecular forces' coverage in them.
Bruna de Paula DiasI; Erica Milena de Castro RibeiroI; Ricardo Lemes GonçalvesI; Diego Santos OliveiraII; Tiago Hilário FerreiraII; Breno de Mello SilvaI,*
Ana Tayná Chaves Aguiar; Valdir Florêncio da Veiga Júnior*
Several ornamental plants are potentially dangerous to humans and animals due to the presence of various toxins. Children from 0 to 14 years old are the main victims of the intoxication cases (two thirds), mainly related to calcium oxalate, terpenes, alkaloids and glycosides.
On-line version ISSN 1678-7064 Printed version ISSN 0100-4042
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